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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating Β· 1 week ago

at what age do men start to lose their sex drive?

is it 34 or later

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    I'm 83 and still horny as hell.Β  Use it or lose it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    They never lose it, they may slow down some but its never goes away.

  • Good
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    It depends on what their wives have morphed into.

    If they've become land whales, then what do you think?

    If the women have taken care of themselves over the

    years, then the men may remain peppy.


  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Men do not lose their sex drive unless they have health issues.

  • 1 week ago


  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Sexual drive peaks for males between their early teens and their late 20's.

    For females, they peak during their 30's.

    But even though a man's sex drive diminishes once he is into his 30's, it usually remains higher than most female's drives, even when the woman is going through HER peak .. and male sex drive tends to remains higher even into old age.Β Β 

    Men rarely lose their sex drive, although losing potency (PED) is quite common after middle-age.

    Really, this is not that desirable. Sexual drives can control us, rather than us mastering them, and can create a lot of discontent and unhappiness .. especially if we don't have a source of sex.Β  The less we are controlled by desire/attachment/aversions, the more content and happier we become.

    A strong sex drive is a curse, not a gift.

    Source(s): Degree in psychology
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