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Can a child be held back because their old school won't provide proof they completed a grade?

My niece is now in my custody. Prior to moving in with me she went to school in Iowa where she was apparently issued a laptop for schoolwork. When I contacted her old school the staff mentioned this to me and said it was never returned so they couldn't give me any information until they got it back or I paid for it. I said that wasn't my problem and just went ahead to enroll her in school in Nebraska with the information I already had. Now it's almost the end of the school year and the local school is saying she might have to repeat sixth grade because there's no proof she completed fifth grade since the old school never sent records. Is this legal?

4 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    They probably let her into 6th grade assuming you would give them her transcripts. 

    Do you have any report cards for fifth grade? Does she have the computer with her, at her age she should know where it is now.  Still at her parent’s home?

    School is saying “might” 

    So get a meeting with the principal and explain the situation. If this was a problem they should have caught it last semester.  Try to talk it out before making it a bigger issue

  • 1 week ago

    I don't know what the rules are in the school system you're in. My school system places children by age, and will not have a child repeat a grade in elementary school. I can't believe anyone is telling you she might have to repeat if she's done well in the sixth grade class! Who have you talked to about this so far? First, you need to get a lawyer to write a letter to the Iowa school. They can try to get the money from her parents, but I don't believe they can legal withhold the information that the student finished a grade level. Then, if you have already talked to the principal of the school, you need to go up the line to the school board. Call their offices. If necessary, threaten to sue. This is a clear violation of this student's rights. 

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Not your problem ??? she is keeping a schools laptop which is not hers. Do you agree with theft?? Send it back then get her grades.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Here is an idea, ask your niece where the laptop is and return it to the school?  “Not my problem”. Lol

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