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Veteran Otakus:  What year did you enjoy your first anime and/or tokusatsu?


If you're unsure of the exact year, just make a good guess.  

2 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    2006 or 7, I was in middle school and joined an anime club at the library, I was the youngest member. There was a movie club and an anime club and nobody went to the movie club so they shut it down. But anime club would get 10 or so people every meeting. Until 2013 or so, when it started getting just a few so they shut it down too. Anyway some shows I remember watching there was Ouran, FMAB, some Gundam not sure which, and a little known series called Magical Shopping Arcade. Usually we would just watch 4 episodes of a show per meeting and then maybe watch the rest at home and talk about it two weeks later. We also watched most of the case closed movies. 

  • 1 week ago

    When I first saw the Power Ranger Megazord combined. That year.

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