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Ex stalking me on social media. What should I do?

So I dated a woman who turned out to be crazy and materialistic. She looked down on me because I didn't have as much money as she does. I was completely honest with her and told her at the beginning that I couldn't afford to take her on dates or buy her anything material. I told her that I could offer her conversation and listening ear. She told me that she was happy with that and was okay to take the financial lead and pay my way and help me out financially. But a year or so she started to complain about me using her and would bring up things she had done for me. She brought up that I hadn't even bought her a chocolate bar while she was paying my bills. I felt so emasculated. She clearly wants a man to show off with.

Later in the relationship she started to spy on me, my friends and ex on social media. She would not comment or message just look. I still don't know why. Then out of nowhere she stopped talking to me. No conversation no nothing. I contacted her so many times but no response. After a week or so I stopped. Her social media went really quiet, no posts no updates. It was this way for a few months. But now she is back on it. I have a strong feeling she is watching me but I have no way to prove it so put my page on private. But do you think there is anything else I should do. Should I contact her or message her. 

What would you do?

8 Answers

  • 7 days ago

    As long as you banged her who cares? She agreed to help pay your way so that responsibility is on her. That was her decision. Women use men for money all the time so look at this as payback. She also sounds like most women: hypocritical, abusive, solipsistic, and emotionally unstable. Good riddance dude. 

  • 1 week ago

    She realized that you used her and moved on. Good for her. You really couldn't do anything for her at all? Not a picnic, or anything?? Stop using women to pay your bills.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Just forget about her. She could have been a lady and broke up properly, but just froze you out.

  • 1 week ago

    If she's gone silent how do you know she's doing it?

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    It appears that she has not made contact with you in some time. I believe that she has moved on. In the event that you're correct and she is stalking you, which seems unlikely, wait until she makes direct contact before you think about contacting her.

    Personally I think that you should leave her

  • g
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    She's gone, Id leave her there.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Honestly, what man would accept a woman paying his way?  Are you sure you're even a male?  

    If a man can't afford to take his girlfriend on a nice date from time to time, and not even afford a candy bar, he has absolutely no business dating anyone at all. He needs to get his act together first.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Stop contacting her immediately. You've done a smart thing by making your social media account into private. I suggest blocking her as well. Sorry but when it comes to women, when they pay for your shiit, they bring it up every time and use it as a weapon for their arguments. A woman will never enjoy paying anything for you. Focus on your grind and earn money and once you hit the jackpot, these women will appear out of nowhere like the zombies from the walking dead.

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