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Life in Australia is so awful. Can all Aussies seek asylum in America. This is our dream country?


Geez Arthur tell us what you really think.

7 Answers

  • arther
    Lv 5
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    if you were American you would be living in a tent on the footpath.

    You should move there then you might be thankful for all the freebies you get in Australia. Does it bother you that you are stealing a childs future as someone one day will have to pay for all the money the tax payer has given you?

    You are pathetic at least this is the last time Ill ever read any of the rubbish you write.

    Do the country a favour kill yourself.

  • 1 week ago

    it is better than Venezuela 

    Attachment image
  • 1 week ago

    If any Australian seeks asylum in the USA they have had a Lobotomy

    I dont even want to Visit the USA

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Grubbie lives the welfare dream. 

  • You're more than welcome to go back to Nigeria. Isn't Nigeria the richest country in Africa with oil and gas?

    At O.T West Tigers gave the frights last night. Thought you won it.

  • 1 week ago

    Dream Country?? speak for yourself, who the hell would want to live in a country that's a basket case, America wouldn't be in my top 50 countries.

    you're in the best Country and if this is not good enough for you than you're in big trouble........actually speaking of basket cases maybe it would be the right place for you.

    Yeah Goonbags, i thought we had won, what a finish

  • 1 week ago

    the terrorists have won

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