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Does hell actually exist?

I believe in God and Jesus but I dont believe in hell, at least eternal hell, I kinda believe in reincarnation 

65 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    What we know about God and Jesus is found in the Bible, and the Bible speaks of a place of eternal torment. So if you believe in reincarnation, then you really do not believe in the Deity described in the Bible at all. You have gone astray from the teachings of the Bible and created your own little god. Good luck with that. 

    Source(s): Luke 16:19-31 and Revelation 20:7-15
  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 days ago

    Hello there, I also believe that. Reincarnation means that the soul accept material bodies due to his sins. After one dies he goes to a temporary hell to cleanse some of the sins, then again he is born according to his accumulated  sins. To go heaven means to be completely clean from all sins. The problem is every time we born we commit more sins. Jesus can save as long we don't commit any sin.

  • 7 days ago

    The state of spirit existence in hell is described in the Bible, but the human words used fall short of the spiritual dimensions that we cannot experience until we die physically. Jesus spoke most (in the whole Bible) about Heaven and hell. So, you would need to read everything He said to decide if He was raving, or (having come from Heaven) telling us what He knew. Now, if you believe what He said about Heaven, what makes you think you can pick and choose and dismiss all He warned about regarding hell? But that's a New Age tactic - cherry-picking.

    Jesus' words on hell - Matthew 5:21-30, 10:26-28, 13:40-43, 18:7-9, 23:15 & 33, 25:41, Luke 12:4-6 & 16:19-31, Revelation 20:7-15

    Have you even read them?

    Your comment gives rise to the question, "Which version of Jesus do you believe in?" The Bible version is clear that the Word of God came from Heaven to be born on Earth as the man, Jesus, to lead us back to God. But He disagreed with reincarnation ideas, consistent with the rest of the Bible. Please check these out:

    Psalm 78:38-39Ecclesiastes 9:3-6, 11Luke 13:1-5John 5:29 & 9:1-5Romans 9:10-121 Corinthians 15:46-482 Corinthians 4:1-6 & 5:10Hebrews 9:27-28Revelation 6:9-11

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 days ago

    Yes, it does. Wouldn't it be more meaningful to qualify for Heaven than to know the exact location of Hell? But if you insist, you can find it here (in my reply) if it has not been removed yet. Because all the answers that matter and cannot be refuted are summarily removed.

    You can’t play with confidence if you don’t have any; you have to put in the work first. 'Reborns' are notorious for losing themselves in the Word. Just saying…" sure your sin will find you out" – Don’t blame me... Moses said it [Numbers 32:23]

    Proverbs tells us, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy" [Proverbs 28:13]

    Reincarnation is a LIE! The New Agers have introduced this lie that you can keep coming back to earth until you get your life right. This keeps people from believing in a personal God to whom we all must give an account.

    Can you see why the Truth matters? I hope so…

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    I believe in karma and reincarnation as well. Also God and Jesus as you do. Some people insist that you cannot believe in those things together. But I tend to side with others like yourself who believe that they are not mutually exclusive. With regards to reincarnation in the Bible, there is the gospel of St. Thomas and the description of the three Magi who determined the time and place of Jesuscas being astrologers, for example. And most, if not all,  astrologers believe in reincarnation and karma.

    But I don’t think there are tremendous numbers of us in this particular category of believers so I’m pleased to meet you. Too bad we can’t meet in person. 

    Anyway, for what it’s worth, I think “hell” does exist. On a very real existentialist level. As in the famous saying by the existentialist writer Jean Paul Sartre:  “Hell is other people.”. Maybe some people would posit that “existentialism” and “reality” are two different things and wouldn’t understand what I mean by a “very real existentialist level”. However I don’t necessarily believe it’s a contradiction in terms to put it that describe this human experience in such away.

    Even if you often question the nature of reality and wonder if this whole human experience is simply some kind of existentialist dream (or perhaps nightmare) the pain is definitely there. And very “real”. The suffering can also feels all too “real”. Of course the pleasure is there as well.

     But for the past number of years in my life the suffering has been definitely overwhelming the pleasure. This is the way I see it as a divorced man and father and also the product of a divorced family and somewhat abusive upbringing during my own childhood. 

    So to get back to your question: Is there a “hell” that we go to after we die? I don’t want to believe that. It kind of goes against my understanding about reincarnation anyway.

     Again I don’t understand reincarnation of theory and the theory of “karma” completely but I would like to think that if you’ve ‘paid your dues’ in this particular lifetime by suffering to a certain extent but trying to improve your soul at the same time, that the next time you come around you will have an easier time of it. I don’t know how it works to be honest. This is just my intuitive take on the whole matter. Could be totally wrong.

    So by the same token, I suppose if your reincarnated soul has had a particularly bad lifetime due to karmic reasons left over from a previous incarnation ... and I wouldn’t pretend to know how the whole thing works... i guess this human existence can feel like a living “hell”, to one degree or another.  I guess that’s my point.

     Two different astrologers I spoke with years ago, who knew nothing about the other,  told me something about my astrological natal chart which has always stuck in my mind. They told me that according to what they saw in my natal chart,  it was very possible I was an oppressive military dictator in a previous lifetime.. And I’ve often wondered if that’s why I  seemed to have had such a particularly oppressed existence this time around. (Big Saturn influence in my chart crushing, triple conjunction crushing  down my ascendant and my Mars for example. Not too good.)

    So who knows? As previously mentioned, most if not all astrologers believe in reincarnation and karma . I guess the “karmic wheel” can be seen in a person’s astrological chart. Something like that. Again I don’t know much about this stuff. But even with my limited understanding of it, it all makes more sense to me than the idea that we’re born once, we die once, perhaps go to “heaven”, “hell”, “purgatory” or whatever...and that’s it. Forever. Nothing else. It just doesn’t really jibe with my experience of this life so far. 

    So, if you’re an “old soul” surrounded by a lot of “new souls”, I think you’re going to feel like you’re living in “hell” quite often simply because your values will be so much different than theirs are.  Their shallowness, superficiality and willingness to engage in mindless cruelty will probably be very hard for you to deal with as an old soul. Kind of like an old dog would be really worn out, irritated and fed up with the mindless, hyperkinetic energy of a little puppy. I don’t know if that’s a good analogy but it’s one that just came to mind. LOL. At least that’s how it is with me. 

    I’ve been told I’m an “old soul” and I kind of feel it. I try to protect myself from most of the other human beings I find myself living in the midst at this point in my life because I’ve experienced too much of the damage that these rather hyper-materialistic and spirituality superficial “new souls” have caused to my body, brain and spirit due to their ignorance, callousness and general rapaciousness. I don’t know if any of this helps answer your question. It is nice to know there are other people who believe in reincarnation though. Peace. Nice to make your acquaintance through cyberspace. Take care.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Yes.  Then you're not a Christian.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Well, why not go all the way?  Believe in God, Jesus, purgatory, the communion of saints, and reincarnation all at the same time.  That way you're completely covered.

  • 1 week ago

    Yes, to religious believers of fictional tales.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    So, what do you mean by "believe in Jesus", if you don't believe what He taught?

  • 1 week ago

     not outside of the twisted christer mindset no

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