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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetInternetOther - Internet · 1 week ago

is there any way into my mom’s old account?

excuse me I’m losing it here. my mom died 10 years ago. It sent me and my dad into a dissociative state.We both have ptsd, just trying to get through each day. I don’t know how so many years have passed, I have schizophrenia&just recently found medication that works keeping the hallucinations away. I’m 23 and finally learning how to get things in order. But this has been tearing at me: when I was younger my parents weren’t around much, I would ask yahoo answers for advice on everything, even on how to deal w her passing. That acc was linked to my moms for recovery. Her recovery email was our old cable provider. I can’t even see the emails I sent her as a kid, her telling me she loved me. I had access to it until 2015.She told me her password. I had approval from her to use it. I had it written down in my notebook, we got evicted and they emptied our house before the date they gave us. We lost all of our things, focused on that legally and that we got replacement textbooks and somewhere to even live. Been looking everywhere and it’s not here. I need access to the ones she answered: anything she said. She told me there was so many things she couldn’t tell me until I was older. I don’t have anything left of her. Last time I sat with the realization that the account was probably gone I had to be hospitalized and sedated, now with yahoo answers going away soon I seriously can’t handle it. I feel like that’s my only connection to my childhood and I desperately need to remember her

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Sorry, but accounts get closed if not used for 12 months.

    You can use Google search for websites with all kinds of information.

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