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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 week ago

You had your first 2 kids 13 months apart and then 10 years later had another baby.How would you feel about delaying the empty nest?

You had 2 boys 13 months apart.Then when the boys were 10 and 11,you had another baby.You went on to have 3 more babies after that with the following age gaps:

-baby#3 - baby#4: 16 1/2 months

-baby#4 - baby#5: 21 1/2 months

-baby#5 - baby#6: 7 1/2 years

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    I wouldn't have to worry about it because I would never do that.

    I had an absolute plan on how many children - how far apart they would be - and at what age I would stop having children and I stuck to that plan.  

    There is NOTHING that could have made me change my mind and add more children after reaching the goals that had already been set.  

    My goals - did not want to start a family until we had been married at least two years.  Did not want the children to be too close in age - (at least a 2 1/2 year gap)   Wanted at least two children but not more than three.  Wanted to stop having children at the age of 30 no matter how many we had at the time.  My husband and I both agreed to these choices and we stuck to it.  I have no regrets on that.  (we have two daughters.)  

    So - how would I feel - I would have been devastated and depressed.

  • helene
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    How about how your kids feel? My family are the people I grew up with. You keep having babies after I've grown up, I'm pretty much going to feel nothing for them.

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