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Get paid for someone hitting ur car? ?

I was at a McDonald’s parking lot , someone was literally backing up like 10 feet and I have no horn and they almost hit me . They didn’t hit me because I was quick and put my car in reverse. 

I have a old ugly rusted 2003 mistubishi lancer. People were joking saying I should have let them hit me so I can get paid ... lol ! Is that actually true? They weren’t even going fast enough to cause me bodily harm 

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Jokingly said by people that have NO CAR.  That is the value of their comment.

    It is a parking lot so not the street so not the cops jurisdiction.  Sorry bud. Have a "Happy Meal"

    People that come to Mickey's are stoned or drunk.

    Try getting a penny from a guy who would rather just smoke you in the head.  Yeah, fat chance.  Though insurance might get involved and give you $100 for the car(which they now bought)  What can you buy for $100? Nothing. So avoiding was your best choice of action.IMO 

  • 1 week ago

    You would get $100 and have a big dent in your car.

  • 1 week ago

    It could be that they would cause damage to your car and would have to pay for the cost of the damage.  If the damage was superficial and you could live with it, you could take the money, pocket it and drive your car with an extra dimple.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    People who drive careless like that likely don't have insurance or anything of value so you would simply be without a car.

  • y
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Old car like that is not worth all that much, so any collision may total it.  Then you'll get blue book for it from insurance, which will be very little. So you'll have something like 15 hundred and no car.  Do you win in that situation?

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