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Lv 6

Which character is your favorite Japanese-made superhero?

Note: Power Rangers doesn't count, because its too Americanized.

2 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    I guess it has to be Saitama, Cape Boldy.


    The rest aren't really Superheroes.


    Saiyaman was funny but just okay.

    Samurai Flamingo was okay.

    Soge King was funny but not a real superhero.

    Soba Mask, he just started.

    Hentai Kamen is too gay for me.

    Chopperman is just fillers and not much has been done about him.


    Heroes Academy, I only watched 1 season of it and those kids are still in training, not superheroes yet.


    Alphas, Zetman ended without showing much of him.


    That's all I can think of right now. The rest are heroes but not superheroes. They don't go out everyday to keep the peace. They only fight against big threats.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Devil hunter yohko. 

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