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What’s the moon landing?

The moon never landed. It’s still up there. So what is the moon landing if it never landed?

5 Answers

  • David
    Lv 5
    7 days ago

    The term refers to people landing on the moon.

    You are right, the moon didn't land.  Since its not possible for the moon to land, it was relatively easy to refer to humans landing on the moon as "moon landings" without any confusion.

    Sorry you're confused.

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    The landing was in my neighbor's windows last night, as far as I remember.

  • 7 days ago

    Maybe it truly is time for Yahoo Answers to go away...

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 days ago

    It means landing on the Moon as I am sure you very well know.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    Ah yes, landing on the moon as opposed to the moon landing on something.

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