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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 7 days ago

My friends aren't talking to me?

So, I go to a very small catholic school and I had about 4 friends because like I said, the school was small. One of my friends, I'll call her Dee. So, Dee and I were very close, and one of my other friends, were gonna call her Bee, stopped talking to me. Dee told me to email her telling her what was wrong. Bee didn't even notice how she was acting, and we became friends again. Now, fast forward a month Dee stops talking to me and gets really close to Bee. I start to feel left out and decide to go to Bee about it. Bee doesn't really seem to care, so I just send Dee an email. Weeks go by and Dee doesn't even LOOK at the email. The cuts me out completely and acts like I'm not even there. Again, I go to Bee, Bee still doesn't care and recently, she has also stopped talking to me. Now both of them ignore me and are really close to each other. Mind you that my 2 other friends are no longer in contact with me because the don't go to my school anymore. I sent Bee another email and also watch her ignore the email completely. I have been trying to ignore them but its hard because now I am completely lonely. I could really use some help. 

Thanks, Anonymous

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago
    Favourite answer

    become independent or find some friends that actually value you!

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