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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 7 days ago

Why do older people 40 and over still date?

Aren't they supposed to be married?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago
    Favourite answer

    Why wouldn't they date?  Not everyone over 40 is married and there are reasons they wait to get married; career, travel, or they haven't found the right one.  40 is considered young now and they have many years left.  Lastly, people enjoy their single lives too.

  • 6 days ago

    That's a bit stereotypical to say.  I'm in my 40's, I've had one official GF that became fiancee for a total of 4 years.  I've had multiple sex partners in the past, but haven't been sexually active in many years now.

    I just have other stuff going on in my life that I've prioritized and getting married, hell just going out and meeting new people, isn't an option for me right now, because I've got other priorities in the way that have to come first.

    Marriage is just asking for trouble.  Cause when you divorce, she gets half of your stuff!!  Including a crap load of money you don't even have!!

    Source(s): Relative of mine was married for 15 years
  • 7 days ago

    Men over 40 that date are the ones that realized relationships with women (especially American) are a mistake. They’ve become wiser. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 days ago

    Not everyone over 40 is married. Some are divorced, some never got married, maybe they were more interested in travel or their career. One of my work colleagues is in his 40s and while he has a past relationship he has never been married. He's single and lives with his cat (he has no desire to date anyone else since his ex though. Shame because he and I would have been good for each other). 

  • 7 days ago

    For the same reasons young people date.  They want to share their life with an woman that they like.  It may or may not turn into marriage, but there are often complications that make that unwise--shared property and other legal issues, children, etc.  Some are divorced or widowed and some just haven't found the right partner yet.  And some never intended to date, but suddenly met their soulmate.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 days ago

    Dating is for anyone regardless of age. Marriage is not for everyone. Marriage is for religious nut jobs and it’s a waste of money because it would cost more for divorce if things don’t work out for a couple. Marriage is for people who are confused and don’t know what they are getting themselves involved with since it’s a load of bull$hit.

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Some of us have tried marriage a few times and realized it's better just to have a significant other to bang occasionally, and the rest of the time be left blissfully alone.

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