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Bob Sponge asked in PetsDogs · 7 days ago

There is a turkey in my backyard. How could I kill it and eat?

6 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    you know its illegal for killing wild animals include if the turkey might be a farmer pet turkey. you need to have a state law license to able kill wild animals . if you dont have one you can be charge for killing and shooting wild life and send to jail and go to court and paid alot of money. most states has rules and laws about cant eat wild animals 

  • 6 days ago


  • 6 days ago

     Any half grown human i know could figure that out.... Though Trolls dont have gardens  or backyards even. They live in sewers under little bridges like yourself ya see

    Attachment image
    Source(s): Ow´s that fer a poke in the eye with a pointy stick, little one?
  • 6 days ago


    Go kill and eat a mutt instead 

  • 7 days ago

    My backyard is a forest, There are hundreds of wild turkeys, but these are protected because they do no damage to the environment. There is a reason for "hunting season". You can't kill it, besides wild Turkeys  are greasy mess

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    There's also a turkey sitting at your keyboard.

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