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Lv 7
Jim2 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 6 days ago

So what will people here do in about 3 hours? Keep looking for other sites where they can start false rumors about X being a paid alarmist?

Isn't there a better use of life? And who cares anyway?

Updated 6 days ago:

Lol, Dirac... Amen to the comment about Yahoo's software!!! BTW, for the very last time,  I am NOT Dirac, nor David, nor Koshka, nor anybody else but myself. I did have one account here where I occasionally posted anonymously when you trolls posted something so outrageously false I couldn't stand it. lol.

Updated 6 days ago:

You had my Jim2 account blocked...

Updated 6 days ago:

So that's my confession. Final word. Ty to all that answered my questions seriously. As to people--just one person maybe?-- that want to waste their lives being trolls, get a real life. Will you be proud of this at the end of your life? Do something useful. Benefit people. It pays off. It's something you can be proud of.

5 Answers

  • David
    Lv 7
    6 days ago
    Favourite answer

    Celebrate the death of something toxic. I'll be up until after midnight working anyway, so will be looking forward to seeing it officially close. You know that kind of excited feeling you get before a trip or big special event? It kind of feels like that.

    You have my email already, stay in touch, drop me a note any time. 

  • 6 days ago

    I'll probably be watching an old Perry Mason rerun and studying econometrics. I doubt that it will shut down when it's supposed to, YA's software was always pretty shaky.

  • 6 days ago

    I will go to other climate websites.  I invite others.

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    We know what'll you'll do, Dirac.  You will answer with as many of your sock puppets as possible.  Still trying to convince people that you only had one account.

  • 6 days ago

    From what I saw on other forums before coming here, they never stopped.

    Seriously, the whole "paid shill" claim has been thrown around since before this place even existed.

    And not just about climate change.

    It's extremely popular among flat-earthers and creationists, too.

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