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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 6 days ago

Isn’t is crazy how after every break up or divorce you feel like you won’t find better ?

5 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    Crazy. The problem is that "love is blind". We fall madly in love, don’t we, thinking (feeling rather) that it will last forever and is enough for a serious relationship. However, it’s very hard to live on an emotional high for very long. Eventually we start to come down from the ecstasy, excitement, strong passions and desires, typically after around 18 months to three years (people vary of course). If couples are friends, discuss their mutual values, shared ambitions, interests, etc., in some depth (obviously there will be some differences, which help make relationships interesting), and make plans, work on their personal development, etc., this can develop into a long and wonderful relationship. If one party feels insecure or low in self respect, it can make for a difficult partnership. It's easy to behave at our best when in love, but marriage, for example, requires a lot of self discipline, sacrifice, compromise and flexibility. If a strong friendship is not in place, the relationship will probably peter out eventually - or worse. Quite often we fall in love because we are lonely and allow ourselves to be won over by anyone who takes an interest in us. Thus we give away control to somebody else if we are not careful. This is another reason for taking things very slowly, and really getting to know someone before committing ourselves or getting too emotionally or sexually involved. Sex can be emotionally bonding, which is disastrous if the other things are not there: strong friendship, similar values and standards, common interests, etc.

    Beiong in love is emotional, and logic and rationale seem to go out of the window. It can take a while to realise that nobody is perfect!

    Good Luck|!

  • 6 days ago

    Both a break up and a divorce aren't necessarily about "finding better". Its about no longer being with the wrong one. 

    If you can be OK with not being part of a couple, you can wait until the right one comes along. If you aren't OK with being by yourself, you might fall into a pattern of finding the right now guy instead of the right guy -over and over again.

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    I never felt that way. 

  • 6 days ago

    yes it really is 

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    No Chance without Jesus

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