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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 6 days ago

Should i just forget this guy?

I like this guy from my apartment complex. We are in lockdown but i had to speak with him about issues relating to the complex two weeks ago and some of it was tense. It was my first time meeting him face to face and we spoke in the hallway for about an hour with masks on. During this time i found i really liked him. We exchanged a few emails and i ended up a few weeks later sending him an apology for the exchange we had. But I suppose I was hoping he'd see I like him.

He replied with a really nice email but nothing encouraging really.

Just ''hopefully see you around the complex when it gets warmer''

I know were in lockdown and nothing has been scheduled to open but i was hoping for something more. Should i just forget him. He didnt give me any indication at all that he even found me attractive?

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