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Would you use a bad tenants database?
Each year tenants around the world cause thousands of pounds of loss to landlords, so my question is, if the database is restored, would you use it to run a check on potential tenants?
Additionally would you help keep its records true and accurate and up to date?
This service was always free, and always will be free.
The sites aim according to the site was to stop tenants causing damage and being free to simply move on to another landlord.
It restricted reasons to damage/non payment of rent and anti-social behaviour.
What do you guys think.?
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years agovsftpd centos 6.7?
I havent set up an ftp server in years, i got the ssl cert working but in filezilla its buggy as hell, if i enter details on the quick connect line it will give either a gnu utils error 15, or a econnabort. if i use site manager set it to ftp and ftp use tls it logs in fine
and ive forgotten how to set it up properly, i tried google and the config file uses pasv etc any ideas please?
1 AnswerComputer Networking5 years agoUltimate does not mean actually ultimate.?
It appears windows 7 ultimate, kind of forgot there are some of us who do very strange things lol.
My task to create a 5 volume raid 5 USB stick drive array.
My problem: Computer says no.
Actually if they were HDD's computer says yes, but as they are sticks computer says no.
Anyone know any free utilities that will create a dynamic array on usb sticks?
Winner gets free kudo's I would give you a gold star too but someone licked it and now its not sticky, but im still stuck lol.
1 AnswerDesktops5 years agoPowering 6 computers?
I need 15 wall sockets, currently my wall has 2. (so as i dont intend to burn my house down) Can anyone guide me on the materials i will need to purchase,
15 sockets i know.
But what cables? what else is needed?
My plan is buy the materials, put it mostly in place and hire a fully qualified electrician to do the actual hook up. (which im hoping will save me a small fortune.)
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling5 years agoIdeal image size to scale?
I am useless at art, what dimensions do images need to be so the image doesnt distort too noticable for:
I dont need code, i can do that easily, but i do need like 3880x1600 etc for the image sizes, otherwise it looks like really distorted lol. Once i got the ideal sizes i can then work out how to use photoshop and adjust the images :D
3 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years agoPHP include not seeing defined variable?
This is a question which I already know the answer. Its just for fun to see how many people can really code:
We have two files, one called index.php
one called test.php
$GLOBAL['test'] = "This will never work, as i have deliberately not sent it somewhere";
function test() {
include 'test.php";
$sometext = $GLOBAL['test'];
echo $sometext;
Simple error, but can you spot what i have deliberately not done. I've given a hint, the missing bit of code is around there :P most coders will recognise the "error" is around line 5406 lol.
I make these questions so people can learn, my other php question i simply swapped the define and the call around. I was surprised how many people cant see simple mistakes, but it would drive someone insane as there are no actual errors.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years agoPHP not recognising include variables.?
include "test.php";
$GLOBAL["TEST"] = "FooBar"
test php
echo $test
3 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years agoAre people really this lazy?
Several people said they wanted to earn extra money, so i gave them the genuine details of a company offering £500 per sale and only 6 items to sell.
None of them even applied to find out any of the details.
So my question is ARE people serious or just lazy? And whats the point of asking for work, and when given the opportunity not to bother even finding out what that opportunity might be.
I could understand if they applied and decided it wasnt for them, but no these people did not even send an email.
6 AnswersSmall Business6 years agoHow interested would you be?
5 AnswersSmall Business6 years agoBug or am i not understanding something?
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
' RTBMessage.Text = ""
RTBMessage.Lines = RTBMessage.Text.Split(New Char() {ControlChars.Lf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Im writing a program i thought i would use VB as microsoft were kind and gave me 2013 ultimate for free.
Only when a user clicks enter on the richtext box, it leaves a line at the top, hence i tried adding a bit to take the rogue line out but it didnt work
so i end up with a stuck blank line.
Any ideas what the code should be, is it a bug or me simply misunderstanding how the control works under vb?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years agoSource of good tutorials on iphone apps.?
Basically im just looking for easy to understand tutorials, im getting old lol, im using a windows based machine and to make it more complex im a C++ coder, (and yes i use the ultra complex notepad :D ) with a command line linker and compiler of course lol. The tutorial must include socket programming - thats the bit i cant find.
The app for anyone interested is dead simple, my girlfriend takes a pic on her iphone and it saves it on her home NAS.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years agoWrongfully deleted answer?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoCreating random algorithms.?
Stopping short of firing a laser through a prism and taking readings of the "noise" and using those to calculate a random string of numbers, is there a way in pure math not affected by the computer itself to actually create random numbers?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years agoHave drugs killed peaches?
Kinda sad to hear a 25 year old has died with no information yet.
Her family has had a lot of tragedy and im sure that has left a dark shadow over them all.
Anyhow breaking news is she dead, do you think it was drugs?
9 AnswersCurrent Events7 years agoAnyone beat the taxman recently?
First this is NOT a question about how to do taxes. This is NOT a question about standard ways of reducing tax.
This IS a fun question as to what you managed to get past him and got deducted.
So let the fun begin - whats the funniest thing you claimed for - success only - no fails lol. (lets not make it too easy)
1 AnswerUnited Kingdom7 years agocompany Car Tax calulation?
I got offered a good deal on a fleet of cars for my staff, I cant really see my staff walking from property to property and im fed up of them pleading poverty.
So i used the UK government tax calulator, BUT i noticed a few errors.
1. My cars can not be used for anything other than business - they can not TAKE THEM HOME. (they don't want to anyway they are white with my logo on the side :D )
With the vans i let them take them home, so i know about that tax - but cant work out the tax on the cars which are solely used for business use only.
They wanted RANGE ROVERS cheeky blighters - i got them AMPERA's
So how to calculate the tax owed ?
1 AnswerUnited Kingdom7 years agocontinuity error in the bible?
I love this little gem i found:
Hollywood would get tweets for months if it left a plot hole this big.
In the bible it says god destroyed the world by a flood only saving noah and the boat - noah being 900 years old or some such incredible age.
My question when they reached dry land - and god had DESTROYED the world by flood killing everyone and everything
Noah had 3 sons. HE offered god a sacrifice - which animal? No seriously he only had 2 of everything so a sacrifice = one animal becomes extinct.
As a reward god gave him a rainbow.
He then went on to be a drunk and grow wine, cursed one of his sons who all alone made the canaans.
You see the problem there - 3 sons, everyone else on earth dead.
You could drive a truck through that plot mistake.
3 boys could not populate the world again. This is impossible.
Did raindrops NOT refract light to create rainbows BEFORE noah? Well that is interesting
And he became a drunk and made wine.
Thats a bit funny, because historically that is what happened to the sumerian king too after he survived the flood of the river.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agohow many people blowing at the same time...?
This is purely for fun.
If one person blows air its not much.
But how many people blowing air at the same time could literally blow down a building?
3 AnswersPhysics7 years agoIf a friend suddenly....?
..Told you he had a dream that he saw god and god told him to kill the neighbor. Would you believe him?
What if he said the dream was about a dragon?
What if he did NOT say it was a dream but instead said he was in a cave and spoke to god himself
For those about to say YES, read the question VERY carefully. It has 3 parts, BUT I want people to think about how they answer it, Not just yes or no answers, you have to justify why you think the answer.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago