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Lv 742,595 points


Favourite answers59%

I'm a biologist from Argentina :-) ************************************** May 2010: NEW! Try the new Community Guidelines Quiz ************************************** Are you new to Yahoo!Answers? I've been participating for years, and I've made a Y!Answers tutorial: (if you can't see the URL above, copy [ http:// calitorial. webs. com ] and delete the spaces. ******************* Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good? Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant. From Kevin Smith's movie "Dogma"

  • Can the "Choose as Best Answer" button be confused with "Vote as Best Answer"?

    I've read about several users (mostly newcomers to YA) who confused the blue (with round corners) "Choose as Best Answer" button that appears in their own questions with the blue (with straight corners) "Vote as Best Answer" button visible in all Undecided questions.

    Consequently, they thought that they had voted when in fact they'd chosen the BA, or viceversa.

    Has this ever happened to you?

    Can you suggest any change that would prevent this confusion?

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Puedo usar una olla Essen para preparar fondue de queso?

    Tengo el recipiente adecuado para mantenerla caliente mientras se sirve, pero no poseo una olla de barro como las que he leído se recomiendan para preparar la mezcla de quesos.

    Para los que no las conocen, las ollas Essen son de aluminio de varios mm de espesor, permiten cocinar de todo sin que se queme porque tienen calor muy parejo.

    Me gustaría especialmente saber si alguien lo ha intentado, y cómo le fue. Gracias desde ya!

    3 AnswersOtros - Gastronomía1 decade ago
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta un pasaje en ómnibus desde Montevideo a Punta del Este?

    ¿Y cuánto dura el viaje?

    Tengo que viajar allí el próximo julio por razones laborales, y los medios de transporte desde Argentina me dejan en Montevideo, por lo que he visto.

    Desde ya, muchas gracias!

    2 AnswersUruguay1 decade ago
  • Cómo blanquear/limpiar una pileta vieja de loza?

    Se trata de una vieja pileta de loza, cuadrada, de fondo plano (muy parecida a esta foto ).

    El fondo está muy craquelado y amarillento, y se impregna fácilmente de manera que siempre parece sucio. Probé con lavandina pero el efecto es escaso y dura poco.

    Existe algún producto especial para blanquearla, o bien alguna pintura para darle mejor aspecto?

    Gracias desde ya!

    2 AnswersArreglos y Reparaciones1 decade ago
  • What is a good tripod for macro shots?

    I need a sturdy and easy-to-use tripod to use with a Canon Powershot S3 IS and a Canon A620. It will be mostly used for macro shots of small skeletal parts (indoor use), and possibly some wildlife shots (outdoors):

    At present we're using a SLIK Compact and we'd like something comparable or better.

    Thanks in advance for any advice :-)

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Where do the phrases “put one's two cents in” and "a penny for your thoughts” come from?

    And are there more similar money-related phrases or idioms out there?

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What is the weather like in New York in May/June?

    A friend of mine is traveling to the US in a few days and she's wondering what sort of clothes to take. How warm will it be? Should she take warm clothing or will it just take up space in her luggage?

    All information and tips welcome. Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • Why do Drosera leaves change color?

    I bought a small Drosera spatulata (spoon-leaved sundew) about 3 months ago.

    I'm keeping it in a well-lit spot (but no direct sunlight) next to a window. It seems to be thriving and it's grown a lot, but I've noticed that the sticky hairs on its leaves are no longer red (see photos below).

    Should I be worried?

    3 months ago:


    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • ¿Cómo viajar desde Retiro hasta el Hospital Tornú?

    Quisiera saber cómo llegar, sea en colectivo o combinación subte/colectivo. Estuve en pero no me queda claro dónde tomar el colectivo (sugieren el 93) y dónde bajarme.

    Gracias por ayudar a una pajuerana! (de La Plata)

    3 AnswersBuenos Aires1 decade ago
  • ¿En qué disciplina es doctor Pablo Bruera (intendente de La Plata, Argentina)?

    Vivo en La Plata, y veo que nuestro intendente usa el título de "doctor", pero no he logrado averiguar qué clase de doctorado realizó.

    6 AnswersGobierno1 decade ago
  • ¿Qué es un saldo inmovilizado?

    Encontré el término leyendo un mensaje de mi banco. Resulta que es una de las cosas por las cuales cobran comisión, y no tengo idea de qué significa.

    Gracias por adelantado!

    2 AnswersOtros - Negocios y Finanzas1 decade ago
  • What are some good recommendations for keeping a gerbil?

    I've just adopted a beautiful 1-month-old gerbil; he was living with his siblings until a few hours ago, and he's now going home with me.

    I'm a biologist and a pet lover, and I've already kept guinea pigs, rats, and hamsters (as well as other creatures) in the past, so I can manage the basics. However, I'd appreciate any gerbil-specific tips you may have.

    Thanks in advance :-)

    6 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • For habitual Askers: Do you get 3 points back if your Q is resolved by votes?

    This is an experimental question.

    First, I appreciate all the Answers from experienced Askers.

    Second, I will deliberately put this Q to the public vote, to check whether the Asker gets +3 points when a Q is resolved by votes, just like when they choose the BA (that's the way this worked the last time I did this, many months ago).

    Thanks in advance for your input.

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Would YA users benefit from a Tutorial?

    I'm looking for input from new and seasoned users alike.

    I've been participating in YA for a while, and one of my first suggestions for the site was that there should be a Tutorial. I even wanted it to be mandatory, possibly available as short 'installments' that each user would view when they logged in, to be completed within a more or less short period.

    The YAT have not deemed it necessary, and they've provided the Help and FAQ pages instead, but I think they're not enough.

    Anyway, here's my preliminary version of an unofficial tutorial (still under construction):

    So, what does everybody think? Tutorial, yes or no? Mandatory or optional?

    Remember that you can take your ideas and suggestions to the Forum (link at the top right of this page), and thanks for answering :-)

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Hispanoparlantes: qué tal si se arma un grupo Yahoo para adictos a Respuestas?

    Esty participando desde enero en la versión en inglés, y hace meses una de las usuarias armó un grupo para "Respuestadictos" (Answerholics). Además de ser divertido, sirve para conocernos más y evitar hacer preguntas de tipo "conversación" que van contra las reglas de uso del sitio.


    7 AnswersYahoo Respuestas1 decade ago
  • What are the characteristics of true generosity?

    I want to thank a person who stepped aside to let me be the first, and who's always encouraging me to work hard and become better :-) That is true generosity for me.

    So I thought about this, about the differences between true generosity and those attitudes or people that seem generous but ultimately will demand payback from us... What do you do when you detect this? Do you accept the favor anyway? And how do you know it's authentic? Do you find yourself expecting something in return when you give?

    Thanks :-)

    15 AnswersFriends2 decades ago
  • Equipo YA Argentina: por qué no tienen un blog de 360 como los demás equipos?

    Acabo de seguir el link al "blog" del equipo YA Argentina, pero no llegué a un verdadero blog interactivo como tienen otros equipos, por ejemplo YA internacional.

    ¿Siempre va a ser así o piensan cambiarlo?

    2 AnswersYahoo Respuestas2 decades ago
  • Argentin@: Cómo te enteraste de Yahoo!Respuestas?

    Son bienvenidos otros hispanoparlantes, por supuesto, pero sabrán entender mi interés local :-)

    Yo estoy participando en la versión en inglés desde fines del 2005. ¿Y ustedes?

    1 AnswerYahoo Respuestas2 decades ago
  • Will you stay at Y!Answers after the Beta period is over?

    This is especially for the "old" users, but I'm interested in all opinions. And what if all the points were to be wiped out?

    26 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Don't you think the new points system is a great opportunity?

    You're thinking twice about asking new questions?

    Now all users can take some time to search those old open or unresolved answers and help resolve them! Think about it: +2 points for each answer (and you can rescue those one-answer only's), and +1 point for voting. Use the Advanced search and you can easily compensate for point loss, and then continue asking :-)

    18 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago