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Lv 759,745 points

Dr. NG

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Nice Guy Self acclaimed paranormal investigator emeritus, autoawarded Doctorate of Paranormality and honorary title of Chief Stooge. "It is error only,and not truth,that shrinks from Inquiry" Thomas Paine At most three people can keep a secret, as long as two of them are dead. In order to cash in on the paranormal craze, I've added the world's largest maker of Ouija Boards to my portfolio. My favorite answer of all time. My favorite paranormal email. From: Alexander Subject: You know Message: You are a sick twisted skeptical MORON who needs his brains tested!!!! Oh wait that's right you have no ******* brains do you moron!!!??? Psychics HAVE been PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY to be REAL and here's NOTHING you can do about it TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET EDUCATED!!!!!