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Rick P
Why are people buying these electronic cigaretts?
I have tried them and most of the flavours and in my opinion they are a con and a waste of money,
You may as well save your money,
But my question is "why are people so gullible when crap like this comes on the market".
3 AnswersLanguages8 years agodesktop pc going bad?
Hi all,
i have an HP p6013uk desktop pc and have just done a full recovery and re-install after it started playing up,
now it takes forever to start up and shut down, it does not recognise my cameras or my card readers even though i have installed the drivers for them,
i used to have an Emachines pc that did they same thing as this one but never found out what it was as i demolished it one day after getting fed up,
i have reset to defaults everthing in the BOIS and now i do not get stuck on startup blue page, once it is up and running it does not seem to bad but there is something definitely wrong with it,
what are the first signs of the power pack going bad as i think that was what was up with the Emachines,
Has anybody got any ideas please,
Many thanks in advance for your help.
2 AnswersDesktops8 years agocan anyone help me with my HP p6013uk descktop pc please?
My pc is a HP p6013uk running vista 64 bit,
After doing a full recovery on my pc I have just done a fresh re-install, but now on startup it gets stuck on the blue startup page and will stay there till i press enter then everything runs slowly till the sign in box appears, can anyone tell me what is wrong and what i can do to get it running right again,
Rick. ( 68 yrs old )
2 AnswersDesktops8 years web site?
has anyone else having problems with trying to log on to web site,
i have been trying to get into my account now for over a week, each time i try to log in all i get is "we are experiencing technical problems but our engineers are working to fix it",
please do not say ring them up as i do not speak urdu, parkistani,indian etc, i have tried it but just keep getting passed from pillar to post,
so does anyone know what's up with the orange site, it's not a good advert for orange if you cannot even get on their web site is it.
thanks for any answers.
2 AnswersCorporations9 years agooptions button missing from under the spanner icon?
on google chrome, have reinstalled google chrome but options button still missing,
anyone know how i can get it back please,
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agooptions button gone from google chrome?
google have installed their latest home page but in the drop down menu under the spanner icon has gone missing,
does anyone know how i can get it back please.
thanks in advance for any help given,
4 AnswersGoogle9 years agohave any of you been caught out like me?
dfds ferries are a set of crooks,
they do all this advertizing about "book early to get the cheapest prices, this i did in january this year for a crossing from dover to Dunkerque, France, and got these prices "outgoing £25.00-- return crossing £68.00", i put this down to the greedy french filling their pockets because of the olimpics being held in the UK, i paid up grudgingly and paid with my cash card,
now last week i thought i would check to see how much the prices have gone up because of the rising price of oil and bugger me the prices are now "outgoing £25.00 and the return £37.00",
so how have i got the lowest price by booking early, i have lost £31.00 and cannot get it back even if i cancel the trip, plus they took the money from my account as soon as i had booked the crossing, what gives them the right to take the money straight away like that, even hotels or taxi's dont take the money that quick, hotels only take your money if you don't show up,
is there any legal way i can get my money back off these crooks.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agois the welsh pantry still in business?
hi all,
can any-one please tell me if the "welsh pantry" pie makers is still in business in --- treforest, pontypridd, sth wales,
as we have been buying their pies and they are lovely but no-one seems to stock them anymore.
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes10 years agomy pc cannot read my cd's/ dvd discs?
my pc , running vista home premium 64 bit,
some time ago i downloaded my pictures to cd-r and dvd-rw discs,
but i have had to do a complete system recovery on my machine and now i want to download my pictures back into my pc it cannot read either the cd's or the dvd's,
i have run microsoft fixit and it cannot repair it ,
has anyone got any ideas that i can try to fix this ******* machine,
many thanks in advance for your help,
2 AnswersOther - Hardware10 years agowhat is wrong with this new yahoo mail?
whats wrong with this new yahoo mail,
before with the older mail i had if i saw something i wanted to mail such as a picture or a page, all i had to do was right click on the page and go down to yahoo "mail this page" or picture but this new mail when i click on mail this page it takes me to "welcome to your new mail inbox" not to the new message box, or if i click on an email address on a site i want to contact it used to take me to a new email page with the email address in the "to"box already in the box, but now i have to write down every email address i want to contact and then create a new message,
anyone know whats wrong, please help ,
thanks in advance,
1 AnswerSending and Receiving Messages10 years agowhats happening when i type?
i am having problems when i type things into the search box,
i can type out twenty words and when i look at the search box maybe only the last dozen words appear in the search box,
when i start typing the words are being typed and the next time i look half of them have disappeared,
can anyone tell me whats wrong please,
keyboard driver upto date.
1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years agohow can i export my bookmarks from yahoo to google?
is there a way to export my bookmarks from yahoo to my google chrome account,
thanks in advance for any help given.
2 AnswersGoogle10 years agohow can i import my gmail into my yahoo mail.?
hi all,
can anyone tell me how i can import my gmail into my yahoo mail,
i have tried everything but can't get it into my yahoo mail,
3 AnswersCalendar and Contacts10 years agowhat is this thin blue line?
hi all,
i am running vista home premium 64 bit, this morning when i went out i closed down my pc now after being out for 4 hours i came home and switched on my pc but on the monitor screen i have a bright blue thin line running from the top of my screen to the bottom, it looks like the edge of my sidebar but i have never noticed it before, it is about two inches from the edge of the right hand side of my monitor screen,
i have used system restore to send the computor back to 04-00 this morning when i know it was not there but it is still there i have tried restarting pc no luck i have tried to update the monitor driver but it is upto date,
so now i am stuck, can anyone out there help me get rid of this blue line on my screen,
many thanks for any help given,
2 AnswersOther - Computers10 years agothe new FASTER yahoo mail?
i have just upgraded to the new FASTER yahoo mail and it is 10 times slower than my old mail and it has lost all my contacts,
what do i do now, help please,
1 AnswerNotices and Errors10 years agoproblem printing pictures off ebay?
hi all,
please give me a little advice,
when i buy off ebay i always print out the page of the item i am buying, but for the last couple of months when i print out the page the picture of the item i am buying is not being printed,
i have looked through internet options and the box is ticked were it says "print pictures",
i have looked everywhere but cannot get it to print out the picture of the item i am buying,
can anyone help please,
many thanks in advanced for any help given,
4 AnswersPrinters10 years agowhere is my pc saving all my passwords?
where does my vista save all my passwords,
i have looked everywhere but cannot find a password locker or saver,
any help gratefully received,
1 AnswerPC1 decade agoif i uninstall yahoo off my pc and reinstall it will i get the old classic mail or this terrible new mail they?
as above, i find this new email that yahoo has installed on my pc terrible, the older version was so much easier to use,
i have had no luck trying to send attachments with this new mail,
any help gratefully received,
2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade agohow many email adresses can i have on yahoo?
how many email addresses can i have with yahoo, not counting disposible addresses,
1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts1 decade agowhere has my yahoo toolbar gone?
hi all,
this morning my toolbar was on my pc but now it's gone,
doe's anybody know whats wrong,
i have tried to reinstall toolbar but nothing happens,
any help gratefully received.
2 AnswersYahoo Toolbar1 decade ago