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  • How much does it cost to move to Belgium?

    I live in Canada, but I want to move to Belgium, where one of my friends lives. She's alright with me living there, but how much would it cost to ship my furniture, like my bed and such, to Belgium? I can't seem to find this info on google. I understand that it'd probably take a few months to actually arrive and I'm fine with that, so what would the average price of that be?

    11 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling2 months ago
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    Kitten lost a tooth. Is this normal?

    I have a kitten that's approaching 6 months in age. Today, after I got home from work, I noticed that one of his teeth appears to be missing. His teeth used to be symmetrical, but now they're not. He doesn't seem bothered at all by it, but I still want to know. Included is a picture of the side with the missing tooth. You can tell where it was because the area is all red, though not bleeding at the moment. The other side appears to have two fangs right beside each other, coming from the top. So I'm suspecting he's just losing his baby teeth like humans do, but the vet is currently closed as it's past midnight (I work closing shifts), hence why I'm asking the internet.

    Cats4 months ago
  • I broke a tumbler cup that I want to replace, but it's sold out. Help?!?

    So here's a link to the cup I had that broke and I want to replace (yes, even down to the exact colours):

    However, as you can see, it's sold out and they don't plan on restocking it. I've tried finding more on google, but I couldn't seem to get anything. Does anyone know where I could find a replacement?

  • What to do to help a cat with an eye infection?

    I got home from work late and all the vets are closed. Except the 24 hour clinic with a 10+ hour wait time where I'd have to wait in the parking lot and I don't have a car, not to mention that my preferred vet opens in about 10 hours anyways. When I got home, I found that it appears my 3 year old cat has got an eye infection. I'll be taking her to my preferred vet that can help her first thing in the morning, but until then, is there anything I can do to help her out in the meantime?

    As for what it looks like, her eyelids look swollen and coupled with her third eyelid on the inside, it appears as though she can't fully open her eye right now. Just her right eye, her left is fine. There's also the occasional bit of discharge which I've been gently wiping away with a clean kleenex. Her behavior hasn't changed from the norm, meaning it's not bothering her too much right now, but I'm still worried.

    1 AnswerCats7 months ago
  • Are Hydrophobic Clothes Bleach Proof?

    Lately, there's been an issue at my workplace of people getting bleach stains (we use bleach to sanitize countertops) all over their uniforms. Mine was damaged so much that I had to get a new uniform... Which does come out of my pay. Seeing as the uniforms are a bright blue, we can't just redye them and expect it to turn out well. So I was wondering if purchasing some hydrophobic spray and spraying it all over the uniform will prevent it from happening again. Also what happens should I decide to wash the uniform while it's hydrophobic? Will it even get dirty in the first place and need washing?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 months ago
  • How many washes until my hair colour stops bleeding?

    I recently dyed my hair a bright blue and as I was washing it today, I thought "what if I wanted to go swimming?" Now, I know no one can really do that right now because of the pandemic, but that didn't stop the thought from coming. So does anybody know, just for future reference?

    Btw, I used manic panic brand "shocking blue" colour and let it sit in my hair for 8 hours before washing it out.

    1 AnswerHair10 months ago
  • Does a transgender person have to go by their deadname in legal documents?

    A friend of mine is writing a story and is wondering this. Specifically, she said

    "I’m not sure if a transgender person can ask to be addressed by their chosen name if their name hasn’t been legally changed yet? It seems like the polite thing to do, but can it be denied to avoid confusion in the records?"

    Anyone know the answer?

  • People won't treat me like an adult. How do I get them to?

    I'm 23 years old, I live alone (besides my two cats), I pay rent and bills, and I have a steady, stable job. (especially during this coronavirus scare, as it's an essential service) The problem is that many of my coworkers are anywhere from 40-70 years old and treat me as though I'm a child. They call me a kid despite my best efforts to prove my maturity. These efforts include taking responsibility for when I make a mistake (unlike them, who can do no wrong and it MUST be someone else's fault), going the extra mile to make sure that my job is done properly (unlike them, who half-*** it and claim that no one will know, so it doesn't matter), and remaining calm and collected at all times... Even in the event of an emergency.

    Despite this, my coworkers seem to believe that I am no different from a stereotypical millennial. I argue that I do not know a single person who fits that stereotype, but they refuse to listen. From what I understand, they will only take me seriously as an adult if I bear a biological child, which I have decided I do not wish to do. I am mature enough to understand that I would not be able to properly raise a child and am thus settling with babysitting the neighbor's kids from time to time.

    Is there any other way I can prove my maturity to them and be taken seriously by them that does NOT involve my uterus?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 year ago
  • Underwear visible underneath white morph suit. Help!?

    So I've got a white morph suit and whenever I put it on, I wear white underwear underneath only for it to be VERY visible. Obvioulsy, this doesn't happen with my black morph suit, but that's not the point here. The point is that I need something that won't show up underneath. My mother has suggested some nude coloured underwear, but I figured I'd ask the internet too. Though, because I am female, I would need a bra that works too. Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 year ago
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    Need long, rainbow wig. Can't find online. Help?

    So I need a rainbow wig for a cosplay of Eyala from Wandersong. Now, I don't expect the wig to be quite as long as it is on the character, but I'm hoping for a colour scheme like in the picture, (not mine, I ripped it from google for the sake of having an example) but at least 80cm long (longer is preferred). I just can't seem to find what I'm looking for, even though I've been searching for over an hour. Maybe I missed something? I don't know. Either way, I figured someone over here could help me out! I don't care about the price.

  • Substitute for Oats?

    I have an oatmeal chocolate chip recipe that I want to make into a regular chocolate chip recipe. So just take out the oats? No, they still absorb moisture like flour. But I can't just use the same amount of flour because oats and flour are different things. It asks for 1 cup of oats, so how much flour would that translate to?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 year ago
  • Wii Games for Mother?

    My mother has set up the wii that I left at her place and she wants to play games on it. She hasn't picked up a video game to play since she beat Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES. She's watched me play a few games over the years, though. So she knows a decent amount about gaming and how to differentiate a good game from a bad one. But she's so out of practice, that her skills are like a beginner's. I suggested Super Mario Galaxy to start and she likes that idea, but can anyone else think of any others that she might like? She's always liked the stories of Zelda games, but she's already seen me 100% Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess is a little too (visually) dark for her tastes, so she wouldn't be interested in that those, specifically.

    She recently got into pokemon and she at least recognizes all of the big Nintendo faces (I was really surprised when she recognized Samus, though she didn't recognize Fox). She is the ultimate backseat gamer who's finally picking up the controller and I DON'T want to screw this up. All suggestions are welcome except for M rated games. She's unfazed by those, but has always shown more interest in the more childish side of gaming.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 year ago
  • Is it safe to take advil after getting an IV drip?

    Just got out of the hospital and have a headache. I want to take an advil, but they had me on an IV drip. I don't know exactly what was in the drip, but if it's not safe to take an advil afterwards, then how long should I wait before I do?

    2 AnswersMedicine2 years ago
  • Do Muslim women remove their Hijab during sex?

    I'm writing a book where a Muslim woman is the love interest. There will be sex scenes, but I've never been interested enough in sex (ace af) to explore that side of relationships. I tried to google this, but came up with nothing. I'm not Muslim either, so I figured it'd be better to ask than to assume.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Hysterectomy details? How do I get one? (Canada)?

    I m an asexual, aromantic, single woman who doesn t EVER want children. I may only be 23 years old, but stop telling me that I ll change my mind. The thing is, I m sick of menstruation and I know that a hysterectomy stops menstruation from ever happening again. This isn t even a matter of birth control because I m a sex-repulsed virgin. What would I need in order to get a hysterectomy in Canada (Alberta) if I don t actually have any problems with my uterus?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health2 years ago
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    How to fix this crack?

    This little statue is very precious to me, but I don't know what it's made of because I got it when I was six years old. So I need to know how to fix this crack:

  • Get rid of sewer smell? (carpet)?

    So my sewer line backed up and the plumber can t come in for a few days. The worst part is that the main line is in my bedroom, surrounded by carpet. So now my bedroom smells like sewer. I m about to go out to buy a can of lysol, but is there anything else I can do to get rid of the smell? No vinegar recipes, please.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 years ago
  • Anywhere my two cats and I can stay?

    I live in Edmonton, AB, Canada. My landlord has sent pest control to fumigate my place and I need a place for my two cats and me to stay. The catch is that I'm a night shifter and my landlord wants to do it on a day where I work that night, so I won't have time to take them home before I go to work. None of my friends can help and because neither of my cats are vaccinated ('cause I can't financially afford it) I can't put them in a boarding service. I don't own a vehicle, so I can't put them in there. All hotel rooms cost hundreds of dollars and most don't allow cats! If I could afford the hotel room, then I'd be able to afford the vaccinations! I've tried Google, but now I'm EXTREMELY desperate because my landlord gave me LESS than a week's notice for this!

    10 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • I've got yogurt. I don't like yogurt. Suggestions?

    I recently got a food hamper from the food bank and it contained yogurt. Now, I've always hated yogurt, so does anyone have any suggestions regarding how I could use it to make something that doesn't taste like yogurt so that I can eat it happily? I mean, I'll still eat it 'cause food is food and beggars can't be choosers, but does anyone have any suggestions? 'Cause I'm very inexperienced in working with yogurt. Also, this stuff is not flavoured. Thank you!

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink3 years ago
  • Do I need all three of my T4 s to get my taxes done?

    I always take my taxes to H&R Block. The first time that I ever did my taxes, they pointed out that I had a T4 that I had never received in the mail due to a change of address and me being unaware at the time that that was an issue. They were able to locate it without me having a physical copy. However, this time, (a few years later) I had three different jobs throughout the last year and I have not received all of my T4 s yet. Seeing as I can t let my current location be known by anyone that could relay it to that old boss, (domestic violence issues) will H&R Block be able to retrieve that T4 when I take the other two (that I DO have) in?

    1 AnswerCanada3 years ago