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Lv 32,445 points

Lady Butler

Favourite answers12%
  • Gerson Therapy? Does it really work?

    I'm curious if anyone, or knows someone that has had results due to Gerson Therapy. What they had, and how it help them.

    28 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Brittle Diabetic needs new dinner recipe idea?

    My diet consists of Fish, Shrimp, Beef and Chicken, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, and low fat dairy products. No breads, potatoes, rice, grains, or pastas. I also can not have tomato sauces, gravies, or cream sauces. Nothing battered or fried.

    What I am looking for is new ideas for Dinner Recipes. Making use of the items I can have, herbs and spices. Web sites and online cookbooks for Diabetic Recipes is also greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    7 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • New recipe ideas for a brittle Diabetic?

    My diet consists of Fish, Shrimp, Beef and Chicken, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, and low fat dairy products. No breads, potatoes, rice, grains, or pastas. I also can not have tomato sauces, gravies, or cream sauces. Nothing battered or fried.

    What I am looking for is new ideas for Dinner Recipes. Making use of the items I can have, herbs and spices. Web sites and online cookbooks for Diabetic Recipes is also greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    16 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Please help! 911 - bad haircut?

    I have been getting short pixie cuts for the last 4 months and have just loved them. NOT THIS TIME! I got this sick feeling not long after I sat in the chair. She went at my hair like a mad man! Hair pieces were flying, and I sat there just wanting to cry. So now I have a very very short cut.. which I can live with except it looks more like it was cut with a weed whacker. I have little wispy pieces EVERYWHERE and I'd like to get rid of them, or at least hide them. Any ideas or do I have to go to another hair stylist to trim the very very short cut I already have?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite coffee and how do you like it?

    I enjoy coffee many ways. However I don't enjoy weak coffee. I was curious what is your favorite Brand coffee, do you buy whole bean and grind it yourself, or do you buy it already ground. How do you prepare it? A french press or coffee maker? And lastly, how do you drink it? Sugar or no sugar, milk, cream, or black? The most detailed will be the winner of 10points!!

    I'll start.. I usually by whole bean. I don't have a favorite brand. I try different kinds every time I go to the coffee shop or grocer. Mostly I use a coffee maker, it's nice to have fresh coffee programed to brew just before I wake up. I do pull out the french press when I have guests or want to do a coffee tasting with a new bean i just bought. I use a little sweetener and cream. BTW.. coffee is also my favorite smell in the world.

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Anyone have tried and true recipes for Manhattan Clam Chowder and Stuffed Mushrooms?

    I would love your tried and true recipe for Manhattan Clam Chowder and a recipe for Stuffed Mushrooms. I'm having serious cravings for both of these. Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a tried and true recipe for crab cakes?

    I love crab cakes, and I would love to make them at home. The healthier the better.. thanks!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Diabetic recipes with tofu?

    I would like to have diabetic friendly recipes that use tofu. I have never used tofu before, and I am intrested in adding it to my diet. My diet mostly consists of lean meats (turkey, chicken, shrimp), fruits, and vegetables. No pasta, no rice, no potatoes, and no breads. I'm just not sure how to cook tofu. I do make lots of vegetable soups and salads. Thanks for all your help!

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Is it rude to request others to bring food?

    When I invite family and friends to my home for dinner, I always provide everything. Food, beverage, and entertainment. However, my aunt, 2 yrs older than I, always makes a menu, then emails everyone with what she wants them to bring from her menu. I'm used to it by now, but I still think it's a bit rude. What do you think about it? And Why?

    BTW it's not a money issue.

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I'm in a bit of a bind. Ideas and recipes needed!?

    My husbands family (mom & dad (late 50's), sister (18), her best friend (18), and brother (29) are all coming for 5 days. I love his family dearly, and I look forward to their visit. BUT, his sister is a very picky eater. She won't eat anything with spag. sauce, hates veggies, and most fruits. His mother is diabetic, and both of his parents don't handle spicy food very well. As far as I know, his brother and his sisters friend are cool with just about anything. What the heck am I gonna cook for them? I've been stressing, and thinking about what I usually cook. I cook many things a bit spicy, I use lots of fresh veggies and fruits, my pastas have spag. sauce, except the spicy ones or ones with veggies. Ideas would be greatly appreciated! Please include a recipe, or a rough idea how it's made. I am a good cook, so I can cook just about anything. I know they all like bagels, so I plan to have those on hand for breakfast a couple of the days. maybe all week if I need to. Thanks!

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite comfort food or drink?

    Mine is a drink. I love to sit down with a hot cup of Spiced Chia Tea, with sugar and milk, topped with a frozen scoop of whipped cream. mmm yummy!

    18 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Want to try tofu. Any great recipes?

    I lost the weight I gained within 4 weeks after I had my baby. It's been 6 months, and I have slowly watched myself gain it ALL back. I had a lower back injury 3 yrs ago, so I can't just lay on the floor and do sit ups like I did 15 yrs ago when I had my first child. Anyways, I'd like to start cutting some of the meat out of my diet and replacing it with tofu. I went to the store the other day and looked for tofu, and to my surprise, there were several different kinds, and I was lost. I don't know the difference, and I surly don't know what to do with it once I get it home. Please help. Thank you so much in advance!

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I'd like you start eating tofu. Any great recipe ideas?

    I lost the weight I gained within 4 weeks after I had my baby. It's been 6 months, and I have slowly watched myself gain it ALL back. I had a lower back injury 3 yrs ago, so I can't just lay on the floor and do sit ups like I did 15 yrs ago when I had my first child. Anyways, I'd like to start cutting some of the meat out of my diet and replacing it with tofu. I went to the store the other day and looked for tofu, and to my surprise, there were several different kinds, and I was lost. I don't know the difference, and I surly don't know what to do with it once I get it home. Please help. Thank you so much in advance!

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What does BBQ mean to you?

    I have noticed that BBQ means different things to different ppl. For some it's the sauce they use. While for others it's the way the meat or veggies are cooked, and has nothing to do with a type of sauce.

    I am from Upstate NY, and when I am invited to a BBQ, I simply think it's a cook-out, either food cooked on a grill or over a fire pit outside. However when I hear "BBQ chicken" I think of chicken cooked over a fire with the "red" BBQ sauce.

    I now live in NC, and I have noticed that BBQ down here means a type of sauce the meat is cooked with. It's more of a vinaigrette type of BBQ sauce.

    So my question is... what does BBQ mean to you and pls tell me where you are from. Thanks...

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What should I bring to snack on?

    Ok... My parents are having Easter dinner at their house, so dinner is covered. However, I was asked to bring something to snack on. My aunt is bringing different breads and spreads & my grandma is bringing her jello thing (I have no clue what you would call it but it's really good) My mom mentioned a fruit or veggie tray to me, but that's kinda boring. I always take that. Dinner is around 4pm and we will all arrive around noon. So nothing too heavy would be nice. Any ideas are welcomed, and the recipe would be really helpful. Thanks

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What food or drink makes you think of the season?

    I know there are ppl like me out there that have a certain food that makes them think of a specific season. Mine are...

    Spring - strawberry shortcake and iced tea

    Summer - Chicken BBQ and fresh squeezed lemonade

    Fall - pumpkin pie and spiced cider

    Winter - Chili and hot cocoa

    I'd love to hear what yours are. Even if you don't have one for every season. Also, a juicy steak for me is any

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Easter dinner...traditional or non traditional?

    I'd like to hear what you are having for Easter dinner, and whom you have it with. Is it a tradition, or does it change every Easter? Tell me about it...

    2 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Dinner menu ideas.. What's your favs?

    I have a restaurant that's only open for breakfast and lunch. I am expanding, and would like to serve dinner as well. I'd like to hear your favorites when you go to a restaurant for dinner, and any other ideas you may have. I'm interested in ideas for chicken, beef, pork, pasta, seafood, and vegetarian.

    I have a few ideas of my own, and your opinion would be great!

    Herb roasted 1/2 chicken

    Chicken and Biscuits


    Shrimp or Chicken Linguine

    Also, all dinners will be served with choice of soup or salad, and fresh baked roll. The atmosphere is a bit more upper class than Ruby Tuesdays.

    Thank you all. YOU ROCK!!

    7 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Rear Drum Brakes... HELP ASAP!!!?

    Ok, here is the problem. My husband and father have ripped my rear tires off, trying to replace the brakes that were shot and grinding. (They were hard to get off due to build up???) When they pulled them off, they kinda just sprung apart..(In their words) now the have 2 springs they can't figure out where they go. I have a 2004 ford taurus, with drum brakes.. I have searched the internet for a picture or diagram.. and have come up with nothing. please help.. I leave tomorrow for a 12 hr trip.. I need my car!!!

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago