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  • I need Jesus, what do I do?

    I am failing at living the life that Christ wants, I am constantly incapable of performing what I know God wants me to do. How can I right this awful ship that I'm on?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do I get access to use and ultrasound machine?

    I need to use an ultrasound machine. I'm not familiar with the machines as I have no exposure to the medical field but I need the machine to be capable of 150 watts and 40kHz. Where can I go to simply use an ultrasound machine one time with these specifications?

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • I'm starting to get really sad about being single, what should I do?

    I'm a guy, 29 years old... I've had plenty of relationships before, I'm a decent, genuine person, fairly good looking and don't have any confidence or insecurity issues. But it's been a year since I've dated, I recently became Christian and none if the people that I've known before really want to have anything to do with me because they find Christians annoying, but none of the girls at my church are interested in me because I'm not like a lifetime member of the faith so it would be hard for their family to embrace me. What should I do? I'm pretty sure I'm at the point where I just want to give up and stop thinking about it, but it's really hard.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can I mirror my Android screen on my Samsung TV?

    The phone is a Samsung Exhibit II 4G, and the TV is also a Samsung, TFT-LCD series. None of that might matter though. I've been reading up about it, and something about having root access and going through your router? None of the answers I found were very definitive though and I was wondering of someone knew about that.

    1 AnswerTVs9 years ago
  • I know my router password, don't know the username?

    Anywhere I can just find the username?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Isn't there a way in Super Mario World to get a vine from Cheese Bridge to Butter Bridge?

    I know that once you beat Cheese Bridge level the secret way (by going under the exit goal) you can get the vine that goes to Soda Lake. But isn't there a way to get a vine that goes UP to Butter Bridge as well?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Who are some famous pro-athletes who have had major meltdowns?

    Drugs, booze, emotional, etc... just looking for the nuttiest turds here.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports9 years ago
  • I just got banned from posting on the conspiracy website "Godlike Productions"... is this common?

    I created an account today to start posting, and I never cussed, was nice to everyone, and offered 3 posts with information. Do people usually get banned from this or other conspiracy sites for no real reason?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years ago
  • How do I make it so people can't search me by name in the search bar on Facebook?

    And a little more detail than "it's in the settings" would be great since I've been there for about 2 hours now. TY!

    Facebook9 years ago
  • How do I get my HP Pavilion with Windows 7 to recognize my speakers again?

    If you are someone who is going to put "check online forums," "check old answers," "make sure it's plugged in/turned on/unmuted/ selected".... please don't waste your time because I am way beyond that.

    The problem is that the speakers are not even recognized by the system. The audio on this PC works; I can plug HDMI in and sound will work on the Samsung... but when HDMI isn't in, the only other sound device recognized is the Logitech USB headset... the speakers are not even there. How do I get Windows to recognize that they are there and plugged in correctly?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years ago
  • What time will the Olympics Opening Ceremony be on LIVE?

    I live in Central Standard Time (CST or CT) in the United States. NBC will be showing it in prime time, but I believe it is on a delay. What time will it be live in Central European Time (CET)?

    4 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • Why do people react so strongly and negatively to conspiracy theories?

    And in 100% of the cases, the person has done zero research; they just like to say really pointless and off-base things to try and discredit, without any working knowledge of what the issue is.

    7 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Have you ever seen a demon before and if so can you describe it?

    A lot of people I've talked to have described seeing one guy in particular consistently called the "Hat Man"... he may or may not actually be wearing the hat, but he is always very tall, 7 to 8 feet, black bald head with no definable facial features, and either hollow or red eye sockets. BUT there are many types... what was yours?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Do I have some of the worst dating luck ever?

    Not fully detailed, but abridged version of my dating history:

    Emily (2001) - First serious relationship... lost my virginity to her. Only lasted four months but overall a decent one that ended with us still on speaking terms and just realizing that we weren't for each other.

    Ellen (2001) - First girl I was TOTALLY in love with. She lived 3 hours away from me though. Although we remained friends (and by that I mean I was constantly trying to get back together with her) and did see each other from time to time, she lost interest in me an favor of black guys (I don't care, I'm just stating a fact).

    Anna (2001) - Only lasted a month. Anna was smoking hot so naturally she was way more concerned with banging as many people as possible. This escalated after I turned down her marriage proposal, which given my current state, I would have said "yes" 1,000 times over if I could. She eventually married a guy (I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP) who drugged her and prostituted her drugged body to people. Great guy I'm sure...

    Kari (2002) - Friend of Anna's friend... another monther. After starting to feel like I found love, my "friend" got her drunk and banged her in his room while I was asleep on the couch. I left the house and went back to my parents, where I didn't leave for a week and spiraled into major depression.

    2003 = no girlfriend. 2004 I made the mistake of attempting to date a feminist, to which she led me on the entire time and acted like I annoyed her when I told her how I felt about her. Misery, depression and suicide wishes very high. 2005 = no girlfriend.

    Katie (2004) - Sister of the drummer in my brother-in-law's band... she was really a nice girl who did care about me a lot, but I think I found her a little weird. It ended however, when I showed up to surprise her and she was in bed with her ex.

    Jessica (2006) - Second girl I was in love with. Had found Jessica attractive since I met her in 2001, but she was too old for me. After talking with her at length, we started seeing each other and this was like a dream come true because for the first time I was with someone that I would absolutely do anything for. Unfortunetly, the feeling was not the same... I found out she cheated on me constantly. She was an avid Lifetime Channel watcher who was of the mind that all men are dogs who will cheat, steal and lie at some point. After we broke up, I was very sad but still not as sad as I had been before her.

    2007 = no girlfriend

    Abi (2008) - Me and Abi never officially dated but she was the third girl I fell in love with. She spent EVERY day at my house. She cared about me, how I felt, if I was hungry... I cared the world for her, too. We had great conversations. Yeah every day for a good 9 months eventually I got to the point where I told her I loved her... then her ex sent her messages on MySpace CONSTANTLY trying to get her back. At first she complained about him, but eventually started dating him and stopped hanging out with me. We are now no longer on speaking terms...=(

    Kori (2010) - My girlfriend in KC... total disaster. She was into generally immature childish things and also into trying to bang my friend, which I picked up on real quick. After we broke up, he kept trying to text her, too. Great friends I have.

    Jynn (2011) - FINALLY, I found someone who was all about me, nice person, really did care... everything was there. She wanted to know if we were going to get married and I told her we would. However, he ex husband got jealous and showed up with a gun one night, so I left. He then made a deal with her that if she kicked me out of her house, he would buy her a car. She did.

    ++of note: 2009 Was turned down by a girl who was in the hospital with cancer... I had started talking to her online before she was admitted, and when I was there seeing her, her boyfriend showed up. Really there are other really crappy scenarios where the dates themselves have been just terrible, but I won't have enough characters left to explain any further.

    Since then, I've moved back in with my parents and have almost no motivation to ever seek love again. I've taken to collecting Hot Wheels and buying old Nintendo games that are still in the box in an attempt to fill some sort of void in my life. I don't cheat and I'm a very courteous person in a relationship, and I do make a very conscious effort not to smother the person I'm with. Also everything in the "man department" is good, so it's not that I'm "lacking" there in any way. I just don't know what it is. I would love to not be alone anymore but I just don't know if it is possible... is there any kind of hope for me? 2 pics of me included below:

    PIC 1:

    PIC 2:

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are some famous moments in sports where the player was in the news for drugs?

    Something like a player or coach having a drug meltdown, being arrested, or being totally wasted.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports9 years ago
  • If Tupac came back, would he be viewed as almost like a Black Jesus religiously to people?

    I think he's dead, but if say the Illuminati decided to bring in a look-alike and say he was back would people flip out and lose it? Can you imagine how much his new album would cost or a ticket to a new concert would be?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Have you ever seen a tall black figure wearing a black suit, and he was bald with no facial features?

    There seems to be a consistent description of this guy and I'm wondering how many other people maybe have seen him?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What are the odds of a fake alien landing on December 21st, 2012 to usher in New World Order?

    Globalists have been foaming at the mouth for years for a major event to have en excuse for the U.N. to be able to go into any country in the world... what better way than fake and alien invasion and once we've all agreed to let the UN go wherever they want, they act like they've "defeated" the aliens?

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Christians, how much does this evidence of God strengthen your faith?

    Take the video to about 6:23 to see the 1st thing, but there are several items at this location, filmed that show the truth. Please watch and come back to comment!! Thank you and God bless.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago