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    I dropped my iPod in a pond a few years ago and I can't stop thinking about it is there a job that looks for lost items ?

    I live in texas and if anyone can help me find or has used a service who looks for lost items who I can pay that'll be great. 

    5 Answers1 year ago
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    Where to buy these drinks?

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    Yes I buy them all the time I go to a little Mexican restaurant which has a little Mexican store in it if you know of such a place a little Mexican restaurant that has a built-in store or a Mexican store you'll find plenty of those coconut cream drinks.

    5 Answers1 year ago
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    Home Depot Drug testing?

    What drug test does Home Depot make you take now? Especially in Dallas, Texas or just Texas

    8 Answers1 year ago
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    How to Find Best Roofing Company In Dallas?

    Favourite answer:

    Dallas TX Roofing Pro is unarguably a premium Dallas Roofing Company in Dallas, Texas. We offer different kinds of services to our customers such as Gutter Repair and installation, residential roofing, commercial roofing , Fence repair and installation , Roof repair and replacement to name a few. We have a team of trained crew members who can easily handle any kind of work.

    2 Answers2 years ago