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    Is there any rides at Brighton?

    Favourite answer:

    Yes at least 5 adult ones. There's 2 adult rollacoasters and 2 spinning adult rides, and of course air race, the ride that shoots you up in the sky. It's much better than places like Portsmouth.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Brighton - summer job: Where to live?

    I'd like to work for this summer in Brighton. As i live outside of England, i'd like to know where i can live for the time of my summer job.

    I'd come with my car, i'd need a parking spot. i'd need a little room, a shower, a washing machine, a kitchenette and an internet connection.

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Where should I look for summer job at Brighton for a EU student?

    Personally I have been in UK 3 times, because my sister studies there, but never visited Brighton.So I was thinking about traveling to Brighton with my friend about July-August. We are both from Greece, still students which maybe limits our choices. My friend is studying fashion design and me management. Do you think we could find a job for 1-2 months? I have worked twice at the reservation department for a shipping business and a luxury beach club. My friend has worked in a cafe. Also, do you have any recommendation about where to stay (no more than 450-500/a month). Thank you!

    9 Answers2 years ago