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ACDixon asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 2 decades ago

My wife is getting her wisdom teeth cut out this week. What should I cook for her?

I want to take care of my wife while she recovers, but I'm not such a great cook. (Grilled cheese and stuff with instructions on the box is about it!) What are some good, easy-to-make things to cook for her while she recovers?

Soup, instant mashed potatoes, pudding. What else?

27 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favourite answer

    NO SOUP...Sh might loose her blood clots and get dry sockets in the spaces left from her wisdom teeth which will cause ultimate pain...She should not sip or drink anything from a straw. She should get a sheet from the Dentists which states what she shouldn't eat...Plus warn her about teeth sucking which is hard not to doafter having you wisdom teeth pulled.. Ice cream is the best yogurt and anything cool. So banana split her away and on milk shakes NO STRAW take lid off and drink.Stay away from HOT foods for 24 hrs at least..My husband fed my cool soup with a spoon.Just no sipping ..Luckly I didn't loose my blood clots TG.

    THE LINK BELOW HAS USEFUL INFORMATION TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!!I used it befor and after going to get my wisdom teeth removed.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sympathies to you and your wife for what you are about to endure. My college freshman daughter had all four wisdom teeth out during Christmas break, so I remember well what it was like. Don't plan on having to cook solid food for a day any way. My daughter did eat quite a few servings of instant mashed potatoes, after day 2, but she also drank plenty of smoothies made with fruit and yogurt as well as frappes (also known as milk shakes with ice cream blended into them). Smooth pudding is a good choice. After a couple of days I think she ate some orzo pasta as well. It was a good 3 days before she could chew anything, and then it was grilled cheese mania. Plan on running and fetching for a day or two. Bless you both.

    Source(s): guyotgirl
  • 2 decades ago

    This is ironic, but I am getting mine taken out this week also. I have had one side of mine done and when I had that done I did not want much for about the first 24 hours, after that I drank alot of hot chicken broth, small pieces of pasta in it maybe, but only after a couple days, getting food in the incision can cause infection. whipped yogurt with no fruit. Carnation instant breakfast drinks, just mostly anything soft that can be nutritional, yet not harming to the mouth and I advise if she eats anything, always gargle with salt water when she is done. Good luck, it is not fun so just try to comfort her and be patient because it can be very painful, then again some don't have trouble at all.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I dont think you have to be a great cook, she wont really feel like eating much,


    mashed potatoes


    ice cream

    oat meal

    I think just being there for her is more important then what you cook. make sure she is comfortable, help with the cleaning and the laundry, get her a good stack of magazines or a good movie to watch. buy her some pretty flowers.

    good luck,, make sure they give you some pain medicine, they gave my daughter liquid perscription pain medicine because it is very hard to swallow pills when you are that sore.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    soup ,jello pudding and ,smoothies are good.

    Smoothies can be a meal in a glass.

    mix soy milk ,a banana,2 or 3 strawberries, a little container of yogourt and some ice in a blender and let it rip. I will freeze a banana though instead of using ice.

    I also find blueberries or mango works really well.

    Poor her.

  • lou
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    soup mostly broth

    mash potatoes

    bake potatoes

    milkshakes (use a straw- push the straw back farther than usually missing where her wisdom teeth were removed).


    if she has not asked her dentist about avoiding air pockets then she needs to do so. i had all four out at one time, hopefully she will have my luck. i was feeling fair after three days.

  • 2 decades ago

    Don't let her drink through a straw! I would just wait until she has the surgery and when she is ready to eat, ask what she wants and have the keys in your hand ready to go to the store. Have pudding and applesauce on hand though.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    If you are not as good cook, then buy her baby food, there are some great meals that are ready to eat and that you can heat up... Look around at your local store and you will see a lot of chooses.

    I hope she is not it too much pain for too long

  • 2 decades ago

    Brothy type soups are good, nothing that involves too much chewing. She'll want to avoid eating anything too hot or too cold. Ask her dentist. I ate chicken noodle soup for a week straight.

  • 2 decades ago

    Lots of good suggestions already - whatever you choose, make sure it is NOT hamburger soup. I learned this the hard way when I had my wisdom teeth removed (not a pretty sight!)...

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