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Movement of baby during pregnancy?

My wife felt the movemement of our first son from very early in her pregnancy. I believe this was exceptional. Now we are expecting the second she worries because she seldom feels the baby. I say it is still early. When did you first feel your baby move and when did you feel him or her move regularly?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I wouldn't worry about the movement pattern of this baby. All babies are different in and out of the womb.

    My first pregnancy was my son and he rarely moved, just wiggled his bum about a bit when i got much bigger, which grossed my male work colleagues out fantastically!! He is now a very laid back take as it comes almost 14 year old.

    My second pregnancy was my daughter and I thought I had a rugby player in there!! She kicked like mad if Chris Evans was on the radio or TV and when rugby was on TV. She is now a lively, active feisty almost 11 year old.

    You don't say how far on your wife is in her pregnancy. Normally it is between 16 and 24 weeks you feel the first movements, usually starting with "flutterings" and then steady kicks. I would advise you not to worry.

    Congratulations and good luck xx

  • 1 decade ago

    I felt my second baby move from about 18 weeks and on my first from 15 weeks. I think all babies are different but they say that you should feel the baby move from anything from 16 to 22 weeks.

    As long as the scans are ok I cant see anything to worry about,

    Try drinking really cold water or fizzy water as this usually gets them moving.

    Source(s): pregnant on second
  • 1 decade ago

    I have 2 boys and 1 girl. My boys were constantly moving, but my girl rarely moved at all. All 3 kids are very healthy and active!

    Give it time. After the baby starts to move regularly and then you don't feel movement for 24 hours, then I'd call the dr.


  • 1 decade ago

    On my first pregnancy, my baby didn'y move for 20 weeks; on my second, I felt movement at 16 weeks, but didn't feel the second pregnancy kicks as I did the first.


    Source(s): I have 2 little tikes myself
  • 1 decade ago

    4 months is about when they start really winding up. However, it seemed to me that my boys were out for the football team and my girl acted like the little lady she wasn't and hardly kicked at all. I really do think you feel the first one earlier because that is all you are thinking about. It's harder to feel a baby kick inside when a toddler is kicking you on the outside. I often only noticed the early movement when I went to bed at night, in the early months. Good Luck and God Bless

  • 1 decade ago

    I felt some fluttering early on, but kinda wondered later if it was just my imagination or gas lol. Around 24 weeks was when I felt a lot of movement. She probably remembers the harder kicks from later on, and is not noticing the minor flutters because of that.

    Source(s): 36 weeks preggo and just got kicked :)
  • 1 decade ago

    hello there. Please stop worrying, every pregnancy is different. Normally from about 20 - 24 weeks you can start to really feel baby move. If your wife is really worried you can ask your doctor for advice but I think he/she would say the same. Hopefully she will feel happier after the 16 week scan. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didnt start feeling A LOT of movement until 23 weeks or so.....

    Every baby is different. Your first child may have just been more active than this one.

    If there's a good heartbeat - no worries.

  • 1 decade ago

    congratulations.usally baby movements are felt between 18-24 weeks for a first baby, With subsequent pregnancies you tend to feel the baby sooner. you dont say how far along she is?

    movements as she should know are like bubbling sensation, or butterflies, when baby is kicking she will know

    if shes worried tell her to ask her midwife

    good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didn't feel any movement from my second baby until I was about four/five months pregnant. Even then it wasn't loads but enough to know he was still ok. Your wife shouldn't worry so much each pregnancy is different.

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