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re Ashley veg/vegan?

I am using points to ask why we should put up with the rantings of a person such as she who obviously has a) no friends b) no real purpose in life c) I suspect has either had a troubled childhood or is sexually repressed or both. It takes alot to get me riled but this person is so sanctimonious, self centered & arrogant enough to force her mis guided beliefs on the rest of us - get alife for God`s sake - mput your obvious energy into worthwhile causes like helping unfortunate people f`rinstance

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Can't say i agree with your A,B and C assumptions but many people, including lots of vegetarians and vegans have been asking the same question.

    The best thing we can do is to "block user" and report abusive Q&A.

    Yahoo have a tally system where they look at those people who have been "blocked" most and consider removing thier account.

    The problem Ashley has, beside getting everyone backs up, is that even when she asks a moderate question most sensible people now ignore her - as far as the majority of long term contributors to this site are concerned, shes blown it, and we are waiting for her to leave as fast as she arrived.

    Can she honestly say she has done anything for her cause by all her posts ? Hardly likely. I'm glad you nearly brought her to tears. As least while she's blubbering she cannot type.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I also have had this problem.. I like to spot trolls and fools I have managed to get many of the racists off this site.. without an issue HOWEVER this one is different(ashley) I suspect it is either the moderator of this section or someone else within Yahoo and is abusing this site and that's why no Question has been removed to date..

    Something is very much wrong with this one I just can not put my finger on it..


    Hi Ashley below!!! are you after the sympathy vote again twice now oh and some of us DO read the history you may fool some but not me.... many have tried to help you get you point across without you sounding foolish but all you have done is up set this board.. I know you will read this just as I am sure you are achieving exactly what it is you are here for and I must tip my cap(admire) to the totally successful way you have/are achieving your goals

    You are in fact quite amazing well done, you have fooled nearly everyone in this section.

    I have said many times before never give up in what you believe just do it better.

    addition addition.....

    I got to hand it to you,,,, you know how to draw attention to yourself...

    Source(s): carefully watched this one since the start
  • Skully
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I must say I looked at her questions and some of her answers. I agree with you. Has she been reported? I think the Answers Staff needs to be aware of this and close her down. I'm into a balanced diet, and she's just over the top. I would agree that she has some definite issues and her advice is not helpful

    Well I caught Res on another "Ashley Question" and I think he's onto something. Her rantings are "too deranged" IMO. I do believe if the attitude she exhibits here showed itself in real-life, then it would cause her distress in an social setting. I definitely agree with Res. Something is not right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although I do think it's a bit unfair to use a question to talk about another poster, I will agree that she does seem to leave herself open to negativity. Of course people are going to get defensive, even angry. She is far too forceful in her questions and answers. She is pushing for change in such a way that she is only going to reinforce the behavior she is fighting against. She can be lumped together with all the other imposing types that push their opinions onto others and insult and belittle in the process.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly this goes on all over Y/A It seems that some people do not wish anyone else to have an opinion that differs from their own and if they find someone who dares to disagree with their beliefs they resort to name calling and thumbs downing on answers. Just because someone does not share the same views as another person it doesn't mean they are wrong and perhaps one day the good people on this site will see that. Don't hold your breath though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally I find her deranged rantings quite amusing. I especially liked it when one guy threatened to go back to eating meat just to dis assosiate himself from her.

    I think she is definately only young. Probably play mates with Sarah. Hopefully she will grow out of being such a psycho. Either that or she will go and live in the wild with the animals she loves so much.


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm also a vegetarian, and I do not believe that being vegetarian is misguided, if that is what you meant.

    I've been vegetarian for 17 years already and even though it is a healthier lifestyle and our bodies were not really created for meat consumption, I do not agree with the manner in which she portrays herself and her beliefs. I do not believe in forcing my lifestyle and beliefs on others that may be living a different life than myself.

    In my family, there are only 3 vegetarians(including myself) and I may not agree with their choices to eat meat, but I also do not force my beliefs on them either.

    I like to come here to either answer any legitimate inquiries on the vegetarian lifestyle and/or to correct any discrepancies that some meat eaters tend to state on the vegetarian lifestyle. Considering there are people that visit this forum actually seeking information only to have some meat eaters who absolutely have no knowledge of what being a vegetarian consists of and entails, here offering advice and information!

    I feel there is a more appropriate manner in which to present yourself and to inform others of your convictions.

    Because once you're becoming an irritant to those you are voicing your opinion to, they are more likely to lose interest in your message.

    It's time for a new tactic.

    Source(s): <proud lacto ovo vegetarian 17 years>
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look Ashely has as much right to her beliefs as you do. If you don't like hearing/reading what she has to say don't read her post or even block her.

    I personally will read anything because it is the opposing views just as much as those whose views agree with me that are important. I have read mein kampf because knowledge is the key to everything. It is in the answers and questions of all people that we find our answer to questions never asked.

    Ashely can't force me or anyone else to change our minds that is for each of us to do hopefully based on reason and logic. Why are you so threatened by her beliefs?

    The personal attacks are uncalled for though. Two wrongs don't make a right. Unless you know Ashley personally in real life how can you say these things? I don't know this women but I have read many of her posts and she can be frustrating to converse with but so what. I can be frustrating and annoying at times.

    The last thing is we are all growing, learning and changing everyday. Let Ashley find her path as she see fit, I am just grateful that she is trying to find a way to live at peace with herself in a world that often makes little to no sense. Maybe soon she will find a way to be at peace with those around her but putting her down won't make that happen.

  • Budge
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have been watching the Ashley versus reality saga for some time. Very amusing for the most part and I have to confess that she has irritated me enough at times for me to join in. There are some people who are wired differently to the rest of us and there is nothing anyone can do to help. Just ignore her is the best policy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes she has been reported by "Phil" both to Yahoo and social services, due entirely from what 'Phil' e-mailed me, her rantings, paranoia: meat = racism, and his concern over whether she has a child or is having one, one can't actually tell from her ravings, would definitely need to be protected.

    Addition: I see and her ilk can reply when it suits them.

    Just proves total herbivores in most part are stupid...especially human ones, when "MOTHER NATURE INTENDED HUMANS to be OMNIVOROUS"

    Re, rearing child She now thinks she is God!

    To 'veggie' I don't give a HOOT to what people think, or say, but I will not tolerate being classed a "RACIST BIGOT" BY AN INSUFFERABLE LITTLE TRENDY PRIG, who obviously needs serious psychiatric help.


    Don't misunderstand me, some of my friends are vegetarians I've nothing against them, providing they don't keep ramming their ideals down my throat, with hysterically funny sweeping statements that basically any one whom eats meat is is racist, in this day and age it could cost some one their job.

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