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Why would we listen to the many sounds of nature,?

Dedicated and Inspired by Sarah R.

We live in a world of nothing but concrete, glass and stone,

Slowly opening the door to our two up two down tiny little home,

For this was not the case many years ago, before the world did change,

We knew nothing of the world of tall buildings, currencies and exchange,

We lived in huts made out of wood and bracken for the roof,

We walked for miles or if by chance, would be taken by horses hoof,

For many a mile in sky or land we would see the nature all around,

Not big blocks where people work, that shuns the sun from warming the ground,

We could see the Eagles fly the rabbit run a wild to the forest where he can conceal,

Away from the eyes of the hungry Eagle who is desperately seeking a meal,

In the city all we see are hungry seagulls fighting to eat from dirty bins

Not once do we see nature at it’s best, just the noise of city life, forever an awful din


Try to listening to the wind in the trees, the sound of a heron or ducks upon a pond

Forget your ruthless big city full of grime and crime and people you look down upon

Go out to the forest and look for once your find a different scene you wont regret

For you will be the wiser for seeing and hearing nature at it’s very very best

Why you should listen to many sounds of nature in the comfort of your home

Because you miss so many things in the summer and winter, that chill you to the bone

With nature there, laying bare for all those wonderers who wish to see

The beauty of a waterfall, screeching of a bird, open arms of a green and pleasant scene

Update 2:

So drop out of your world of concrete, glass and grime if only for a while

To taste the sweetness of the wide open spaces where you can walk for mile after mile

Yet see no one, hear no one or see no stone except if by nature it should be there

Listen to the rives as it flows along, take off your shoes feel the water with feet so bare

Out in the country you hear a totally different sound and that is why you want to listen to the many sounds of nature. For you have never really been there, never really seen it, or really become part of it, you miss so much living in you concrete world.

Peter Houghton 16/02/08

Update 3:

Thank you Sarah, your inspiration set my mind on fire. Peter

Update 4:

jdydewing, that is how it should be, when we are down and troubled, we can think better when nature is in our heart, Best wishes, Peter

Update 5:

Hi jdydewing to make errors is to learn, to make misjudgements, I.E. a thumbs down, is to be jealous of the content of which they can not match, in word or voice. Peter

4 Answers

  • Sarah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Hi Peter,

    So you are a talented young man. I just returned home, I have been selling track shirts at a major University in TX. My son-in-law is the track coach here so I volunteered to sell shirts during a meet. I sold all we had.

    Thank you for the dedication and inspiration build up you gave me of "The Many Sounds of Nature." You did a great job on it.

    I am glad to be one of your newest contacts. I told you about my white cotton tail rabbit friends but I didn't tell you about the in my front yard. I have a big bolder and some heather growing around it, this is home to one of the cotton tail rabbits between the bolder and the heather. Sometimes when I walk past, she darts out of her hiding place but always returns there.

    I bought some rabbit pallets for them to eat because they are eating my pretty plants.

    Again that is an awesome piece of literature you wrote and I than you for doing it.

    Being in a quite place listening to the different birds and watching the squairls skinny up and down the trees and jump from limb to limb, seeing the rabbits hop to and fro all looking for food and fun. It is very peaceful and I can just set and think about God and what he has done for me and praying without the phone ringing, or the TV on or answering questions on Yahoo Q & A. You put food for thought in the writing.

  • 1 decade ago

    sTo my newest contact, that was one of the most beautiful things I have read in I don't know how long. You earned your star and all that don't like it don't know what true beauty is. I will go on and on to pami Jane about you. She is my favorite I love the Lord contact, Keep being who you are , because your one of the good guys 4 sure. I am totaly excited that when I can't sleep I have a contact now that makes so much sence and sees beauty in things also. STAR STAR STAR

    Buy they way the most beautiful sound in the world to me is in the nice weather , when all the birds in my yard starts singing, I even keep everyone shut up so I can listen,

    Hear is something honest who ever was the dumb butt that gave me a bad rating, for anything is just a jerk. The only thing I am ashamed of is that I didn't proof read and noticed mistakes in the answer, it was beautiful and a star to who ever the one who inspired it also. Quit being haters go back to bed if you got up on the wrong side.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    good stuff

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