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How to stay positive and excited after baby gender disapointment?

Hi all. I have a 4 year old son who has been extreme hard work since day one and i now that im 32 weeks pregnant and just found out im having another boy im actually feeling pretty crap about becoming a mother again.

My son is being assessed for autism soon and even though he wont be on the extreme scale hes still exausted me for a long time. I had post natal depression with him and i was sure i wouldnt get it with this one cause i thought maybe a girl would be different but that didnt happen.

Im not saying i dont want this baby but im gutted that he may end up just as hard work and im not sure i can do it.

I wasnt sure weather to have a second baby in the first place but i thought maybe i could do it again as my son was getting easier slowly but now hes reverted back to being hard work. Everywhere we go he demands and winges about every toy or food he sees. i dont give in but i dont want to have to yell and be that mother from malcolm in the middle forever! my mum has 4 boys 3 of which are still young and right now i just want to throw in the towel from being a mum and a wife cause im so over trying to see that cuteness and loveable child that other mums talk about. Ive never been able to enjoy my son and i was really hoping to have one baby that i could.

Im not having anymore kids so i need to know how i can stay excited about this baby cause i really do want to enjoy him.

I know this whole thing seems very selfish but i still love my son very much and i will love this one its just that everything everyone said about babies (like the weight coming off, and the baby getting easier) never happened for me so what happens if im stuck at home for 12 months again cause the baby screams everytime i go out or has massive tantrums or wont eat veges (seriously my son will prefer to go to bed hungry) or just ends up being a rite terror like the last one. How do i do this when i dont know how to do the first?


Thanks for all the answers. Just wanted to add afew things. I never assumed that a girl would be easier it was just that i thought if i had something to be excited about (pink shopping and all the little girl stuff) then i could get through this baby easier. It was a hard struggle to decide for another baby as i was also studying to be a nurse and not sure i wanted to be a mum again. If my husband had not wanted another i probably wouldnt have and also on the month i decided no more and decided to do one last pregnancy test before i go back on the pill after 2 years of off an on trying, the test was possitive! lol this baby was ment to come i think. I am happy to have another baby also because i think my son needs a sibling but i struggle so much with trying to love my 4 year old as he such hard work that im terrified i wont bond with this one out of fear he will be the same.

I understand that every child is different but like i said before, everything everyone told me about babies wa

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    All children are different. I have 3 and they are all different temperaments.

    My 1st son is quiet and gentle. My 2nd son is a thug! They are both lovely at times and both difficult at times.

    I think we make the mistake of comparing them and we shouldnt.

    Be positive,your new son may be the complete opposite of his older brother.

    I know its hard when you have a difficult toddler but it will get easier as he gets older, you just have to get on with life and make the most of what you have.

    You may find with a different frame of mind that the weight comes off easier too. Breastfeeding helps to lose the weight (if you can).

    Hope all goes well.




  • 1 decade ago

    Gender disappointment is more common then you think and many women suffer from it, and also I presume some men. We often have an idea in our mind what it would be like to have a girl or a boy especially after we have been exposed over long periods of time to one or the other.

    There must be a hidden reason as to why you see families who have two or more children of the same sex have another one, they just want something different, something pink or blue to add to the brood and there is nothing wrong with that. Having at least one boy and one girl is the image of the "perfect" family.

    I can understand that since you've had a difficult time with your son you feel scared and worried you will go through the same, but even though autism is more common in boys it can also happen in girls. The fact is every baby and child is different, same sex or not.

    From my own life I can tell you my sister was no trouble at all, quiet, a good sleeper and would never get herself into trouble, the perfect child. Then I came, hard work and never gave my parents any let up. I was the type of child that would scream in public cuz I wanted a toy and smear jam on the walls just cuz it seemed like fun. I would fight to first blood and lie to get myself out of trouble.

    I have calmed down now but both my parents said that if I had come first, they would never have had a second one and now I am expecting my first thoughts of how I was comes to me and I wonder if I have to deal with that, boy or girl.

    Just look around you and you will see that same sex siblings are more different in personality then you first think. Your second may notice at a very young age that his brother takes up a lot of time and so be more calmer, babies adapt amazingly to the situation they are born into.

    When you find yourself getting bugged down by it all, just remember you are having a brand new baby, someone who has never existed before and not anyone that has come before can be any indication how this baby will be.

    And dont feel bad about being disappointed. I am sure there are many that will preach on about how lucky you are that you can have children when some people don't and all that but in fairness they cant understand how you feel any more then you can understand how they feel. I am hoping I will give birth to a girl, and some people look oddly at me that I can say I would prefer one over the other. But do they really understand that the reason I'd like a girl is because my parter has two boys from a previous relationship and I would like to give him something new and different? I dont know. I chose not to know the sex as I figured by the time I come to giving birth and seeing my baby, id just be so happy and relieved it was finally here I would be beyond caring if it was a boy or girl.

    So you are not alone. I hope what you are feeling will pass in time and you get to enjoy your new baby boy and his own brand new personality. If it doesn't don't be scared to seek help. There are many in the same boat as you it's just a shame that so many feel embarrassed to talk about it.

    Source(s): Childcare worker of 6 years with child psychology diploma, expecting first born in 4 weeks.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    U must have had some kinda idea as to what u were going to do when u got pregnant right?

    My firstborn was a terror, he cried all the time, he was big as hell and he would fight me when I Breastfed him, which was hard on me. I decided I never ever wanted another baby so I got the ten yr iud, but nine months after getting the iud I found out I was three months pregnant. I was devastated!! No kidding, I hit the bed crying, I was in shock for days. I didn't tell my boss for months bc i just didn't know how.

    Since I got pregnant at an unwanted time I pretty much was negative about the whole thing. Being pessimistic I pretty much decided I was going to have a boy bc the last baby turned out to be a boy when I originally wanted a girl, and I just didn't think I was going to get any good luck out of the deal. I was so mad I was going to have another crying boy that was going to ruin my job, again, and my sleep, and my future. My husband felt for me so he told me to make whatever decision I need to make for myself. I considered abortion, and I considered what was going to happen when they took out the iud. The drs told me the baby may come out along with the iud and I said ok let's do it. It turned out the baby stayed and she turned out to be a girl but by the time I found that out I was content with having another boy. It took a few months to find out the sex, and in those few months I gave up all hope i would have a daugter, I readied myself for another struggle, and I even found a boy name I liked. I told everyone we were having another boy even. By the time I found out she was a girl I was sure I was having a boy, but more than anything I prepared myself to have another needy, crying baby. It turned out she was the easiest baby I ever met. She breastfed the way its supposed to be done, and she never screamed and cried the way he did it all the time.

    I guess the point I am trying to make is that its ok to feel sad. U need to feel sad as much as u need to so that when that baby comes u have done the grieving thing and u r ready to be a mom again. It's going to be a challenge, just expect that,but it will be fun too. Your second baby most likely won't be as needy as the first, from what I have seen there is one crybaby in every family, u and i just happened to have them first. That bad luck has set u up to be more prepared for a second baby. If this second baby is easier u will realize why people choose to have lots of kids, I did.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't mean to be rude, but if you dislike having a boy that much maybe you shouldn't be having any more babies? I say that because your wish for a girl opposed to a boy seems so strong. Whatever you do don't let your children know about this. It was made very clear to me growing up that both of my parents wanted me to be a little boy. There's nothing like your parents being disappointed in you over something that is so completely beyond your control.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to try to go in this with an open mind. I imagine it would be hard to do after difficulties...but really every child is different. Think about this too, perhaps the baby will be a calming influence on your 4 year old. He may well love being the big brother to your new baby. Congratulations!

  • 1 decade ago

    it's just not remotely the case that all boys are harder to parent and all girls are easier. if the disappointment is really because you wanted a girl because she'd be less work, the premise was wrong.

    your new child will have a new personality and may be easy or may be hard to raise, but that has nothing at all to do with gender.

    consider mentioning your feelings of being overwhelmed by your son to someone you trust who can support you, and perhaps also to your ob.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well there was no guarantee that a girl would have been any easier.

    You can do it if you want, but you have to make that choice for yourself. Your older child needs boundaries and I guess when he is assessed, you should ask questions about how you can get him to listen and behave better.

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