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O-Tenshi asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 10 years ago

Yahoo answers reporting an answer/question?

Ok last week I reported quite a few answers that violated yahoo answers, and these answers/question got deleted straight away yet for some reason the person must've appealed and their answers/question came back, and now when I report an answer/question it seems like nothing happens maybe because I lost a lot of influence, my question is this "After you lose influence can you gain it again or not"?

Because if my reports aren't going to make a difference I don't see any point in reporting those answers/questions anymore.

Thank you.

9 Answers

  • Rev
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Community Moderation (reporting) has been broken for several days. A lot of reports aren't being effective, and obviously bad posts re-instated.

    I'm guessing the reporting not being effective is due to upgrades being made to CM, and on Y!A upgrades usually mean glitches for a while. The re-instated posts I think are due to a badly overworked staff who is not taking the time to properly evaluate reports and appeals.

    If you have lost influence, you can definitely build it back through accurate reporting.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Please remember that there are always 2 views to consider: the reporter's and the reported's. And I'm not sure about 2 users reporting before it gets deleted. Because:

    I have been reported twice in the last 10 days. I really couldn't understand it because I never ask questions that are not in line with the guidelines. So I appealed. What happened then was.

    My questions got online again but they didn't give me back my points. BUT: they rewarded me with 20 points for each best answer I gave this week. Which gave me a whole lot of points! At first, I didn't understand why I was getting 20 points for each best answer so I asked them. That's how I know.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    So the answer is be more careful reporting Qs & As and make sure they violate not just what you think is a violation but whether the answer is good humoured.

    Also they may be making a valid point even if you don't agree with what they have said.

    You need to only report stuff that is definitely breaking the rules, for you to regain your reporting stature.

  • jay k
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It could be that your influence was lowered to a point where you can no longer report and instantly remove things by yourself. Your trust level can rise again though, so keep at it. If other members report the same one you did and they are deleted, your trust level will begin to rise.

    I've noticed that if you are trying to report one of those people you mentioned who were successful in getting their q/a reinstated, you can't remove their content for a certain amount of time

  • 10 years ago

    are you sure they appealed and got their q&a reinstated? or are you just assuming? because a lot of users have been saying they are experiencing problems with their reports no working anymore. it was a big problem yesterday, then it seemed to work okay for half a day, now its on the fritz again (my personal experience)

    my guess is you are experiencing the same problem and your influence should come back when they fix whatever is wrong

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I was told by a TC if you write "illegal" it comes off whoever reports it.I did try this and it worked,but other wise if I try and report anything they dont take a blind bit of notice of me! All this is done by computers.I presume you will have to build up their trust again.Have you read the very interesting "building reputations" which deals with how answers started and how they had to allow anyone to report. There is a link to it.a TC posted it but I dont have it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    remember at least 2 people need to report a question for it to be deleted

    Also some people who get their question deleted just post it up again and again

    keep doing what you are doing if the question or answer is a violation

    and don't fret about it, it really is not worth it

    Source(s): uk
  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Don't waste your time reporting, just ignore them. I only report posts that are sexually explicit, the stuff that none of us wants to see. For some on here it is all just a game. Move on.

  • 10 years ago

    "Malicious question!" should always be reported no matter what the consequences are!!!!!!

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