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O-Tenshi asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 9 years ago

How do you say in Dutch ... ?

How do you say in Dutch "I'm fine thanks, and you?"

I know that Hoe Gaat Het means "How are you" in Dutch, but how do I say "I'm fine, thanks and you?"

Also what does "gaat" mean?

I'm learning Dutch so knowing the meaning behind words would be help :)

Dank je wel :)!


No Google translate please! :)

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Well, I'm Dutch!

    How are you = Hoe gaat het?

    I'm fine, thanks and you? = Met mij gaat het goed, en met jou?

    And gaat means literally go.

    To go, to move, to work, to be going to do something. But hoe gaat het is just a weird exception.

    Alsjeblieft! :)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Say Thank You In Dutch

  • 9 years ago

    isn't it Hoe gaat her emee ?? something like this I forget. Use to know this guy that was dutch during exchange student program here in Australia.

  • 9 years ago

    Hoe gaat het is, word for word, How goes it?

    Het gaat goed met mij, en met jou? It goes good with me, and with you? OR, more simply:

    Goed en jou? Good and you?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hello, I will help you. (Hallo, ik zal je helpen.) :)

    How are you? - Hoe gaat het?

    I'm fine, thanks, and you? - Goed, dankje, en met jou?

    "Gaat" means to go, for example 'ik ga' --> 'I'm going',

    but in 'Hoe gaat het' it just stands for 'How are you (doing)'.

    It's a funny way of translating.

    Veel succes!

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