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Countries and their alternative names "land of ..."?

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if you know any countries with their alternative name as "land of .." for example,

I only know a few of them which are: Japan is called the "Land of the rising sun", New Zealand is called "Land of the Long White Cloud" and that Mongolia is called "The land of the blue sky"

Does anyone know any more because I'd be really interested to know quite a few more :)

More interesting answer gets best answer.

Thank you!


Also if you know of a a link with countries and their alternative name (land of ...) I'll vote your answer as best, but if no one knows of any links I'll just vote best most interesting.

Been looking everywhere but can't find any links D:' plz help if you can thank you.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Albania - land of the eagles

    Algeria - land of sun, sea and sand

    Australia - land down under

    Benin - land of songs

    Bhutan - land of the thunder dragon

    Brazil - land of the palms

    Burkina Faso - land of the upright men

    Cambodia - land of ghosts and magic

    Chile - land of poets

    Denmark - land of the little mermaid

    El Salvador - land of volcanoes

    Finland - land of a thousand lakes

    Guyana - land of many waters

    Hungary - land of the Huns

    Iceland - land of fire and ice

    India - land of prayers

    Ireland - land of saints and scholars

    Italy - land of saints, poets and sailors

    Japan - land of the rising sun

    Laos - land of a million elephants

    Nicaragua - land of lakes and volcanoes

    Norway - land of the midnight sun

    Peru - land of the Incas

    Rwanda - land of a thousand hills

    South Korea - land of the morning calm

    Switzerland - land of milk and honey

    Trinidad & Tobago - land of gypsies and calypso

    Thailand - land of smiles

    Turkey - land of four seasons

    United Kingdom - land of hope and glory

    United States - land of the free

    Venezuela - land of grace

    Vietnam - land of the ascending dragon

  • gabor
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Special Names Of Countries

  • 4 years ago

    i'm ultimate here for BQ2. no rely if *anybody* can particularly objectively evaluate music is a distinctive question, yet is there particularly a element to doing so? music is meant to be an emotional expression. it is interior of its very nature to be subjective. devoid of that subjectivity, all you're able to do is count quantity the beats, confirm the chord progressions, etc. yet that's not why the music replaced into created. It replaced into created to precise emotion. for this reason i don't purchase into the belief of any "maximum excellent album ever" or "maximum excellent band ever", apart from what my present day widespread is. regardless of effects me in my opinion he maximum is the desirable. constructive it is distinctive for each guy or woman, yet it is the character of paintings.

  • 7 years ago

    Morocco known as 'Sunset' Country or the 'far west'

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Wales is known as the "Land of Song".

    It is also known as the "Land of my Fathers" since its national anthem when translated from Welsh is known as "Land of my Fathers".

  • 6 years ago

    land of white elephants

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