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O-Tenshi asked in TravelAsia PacificJapan · 9 years ago

Japanese, asking a question?

I was wondering how do you ask questions in Japanese in the informal form.

So in the formal form "where is the car?" is kuruma wa doko desu ka?

So I wondering how do you ask this question in the informal form, is it "kuruma wa doko da no?"

If not how do you ask questions in the informal form, or does everyone use the formal form of desu when asking a question to anyone (of any age, status, etc.)

Thank you!

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    "kuruma wa doko?" is a casual form for that. Desu is used to make it a polite form. And "ka" is used to make it a question.

    Source(s): a native Japanese
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    kuruma wa doko na no is ok, too. ( not doko da no )

    desu is no problem to anyone.

  • 9 years ago

    kuruma wa doko?

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