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Name of this The Sims game?

I remember playing one of The Sims games once but I can't remember what it's called.

I'm certain it was on the PS2 but i may be wrong. You start off doing part time jobs and living in an old place, and you work through by doing better jobs and moving to better places, eventually going to a penthouse i believe. The one thing I remember vividly is this one set of clothing that was glowing blue neon. Also I "think" the second place is some road-side car repair place.


@? Thank you so much! I just checked that game on Wikipedia and found the game I was looking for in the related section: "The Urbz: Sims in the City" I would have never found it if you had not said anything!

Update 2:

that @? was supposed to be @Lovelife.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The Sims Busting out? They are all pretty much the same.. I love The Sims

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