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Lv 7

how many megabits do I need...?

I was wondering how many megabits I need to stream Netfix, huluplus, and to browse the internet? As of right now I have 20 megabits but the cost is outrageous. I'm paying over $70.00 for just internet service. The next step down through my provider is 10 megabits and it $15.00 cheaper. I'm just wondering if 10 megabits would be enough for my family of 4. We all would be using it for streaming movies and internet service, sometimes as many as 4 t.v.'s and 2-3 computers at a time. Can anyone tell me if 10 megabits would be enough speed to power all that or should I just stick with the 20? Thanks so much!!!

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    20Mbps is the MINIMUM you will need to stream video from Netflix, hulu, etc if you want it to run seamlessly. Please see the link for a more detailed explanation.

  • 8 years ago

    Seven devices at once? You'll want to stick with 20 mbs.

  • 8 years ago

    I wouldn't downgrade with that level of usage.

    Source(s): 115 mbit at home with about 20 LAN devices
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