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Marcel & Louis Theroux, is there a rift between the Theroux brothers?

Louis Theroux is pretty well known on UK television but his brother Marcel is equally talented although he acts a lot different to his brother. I've never seen them together on TV or even seen a photo of them together which is strange considering they are both in the same line of work and have both done shows for the same TV channels.

2 Answers

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I doubt it there are lots of acting 'families', the McGanns brothers, the Cusacks, Richardsons, Redgrave they rarely worked with each other either...

    Marcel is more of a novelist like his father Paul and his uncles.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Louis Theroux Brother

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