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Mark G
Lv 7
Mark G asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 8 years ago

Is there a Punjabi/Urdu slang spoken in England?

Rather than straight Urdu and Punjabi? I have heard British Pakistanis speaking a strange dialect that does not sound like Urdu or Punjabi in Luton, Bedfordshire.

3 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    British /Pakistanis, have over the years have developed a slang which is a mixture of English,Urdu,Punjabi,Mirpuri and a couple of other local Pakistani Punjabi dialects.There is a huge concentration of Mirpur,Azad Kashmir people living in the UK and their Punjabi is a mixture of Punjabi & Pahari/Kashmiri languages, which at times to me as an Urdu/Punjabi/English speaker is incomprehensible.For instance during my recent visit to Bradford & Manchester I heard my hosts saying, " Mein breadaan lain gya saan tey windowaan ki khuli chadi gacchaian"."I went to buy bread but left the windows open !" Now this is just 1 classic example of mixed slang, there is enough of it to write a book.

    Source(s): A Pakistani
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Maybe they are Sindhi? But yes, there is a lot of Panjabi slang, mixed with English and other Indian languages.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    ive never heard such things

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