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Should vegetables come with a safety warning?

User-friendly vegetables like carrots and parsnips which are easy to chop up are no problem, but I'm talking about the killer veggies like swedes.

How many people a year injure themselves trying to peel and chop up swedes? Casualty departments must see dozens of people come in every day with vegetable-related injuries. You might think I'm exaggerating if you're one of those people who only buys pre-packed pre-chopped vegetables instead of real ones, but swedes are dangerous if you use the wrong knife or try to cut them when they are still too green.

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4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    How many people know what a swede is? They might know what a Swede is, but not a swede. I also know many people who wouldn't know how to cut a carrot, celery, even a potato or cucumber.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    yes they should. just the other day my vegetables came out of the fridge when i was sleeping and tried to kill me. i was lucky enough to get to a knife but it wasnt the right knife and it just annoyed them even more and when swedes are mad they are very dangerous. when you buy vegetables make sure you know how to kill it because vegetables are very dangerous.

  • Tim
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah, some veggies are pretty dangerous in the wrong hands. The old saying about artichokes is "They might choke Arty but they ain't gonna choke Stymie!"

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Vegan Mom, A swede is a rudabega..

    (I probably didn't spell it right)

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