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Sent emails not showing in "sent" box?

What's going on? I try to reply to messages and there's nothing in my "sent" box.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer


    Some settings are changed without our knowledge when we switched to All New Mail. Follow these steps to change the setting for sending e-mail::

    * Move cursor to GEAR Icon on top right corner of the Yahoo Mail page (next to your name);

    * At the drop-down menu, select SETTINGS;

    * Select "Writing email" in the Left pane (3rd option);

    * The box @ "Save a copy of the message in the Sent Folder" should be checked;

    * If it's not checked, that's the reason your sent mails are not saved. Click on it now;

    * Click "SAVE" in the bottom of the screen;

    * Your outgoing e-mails will be saved from now onwards.

    Best Regards!

    ** If you need to include ADDITIONAL DETAILS to EDIT your Question by clicking on the PENCIL icon.

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