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Will a portable power station power a small vacuum cleaner?

I've read that some portable power stations go *bang* if you use them to charge up a laptop, so I'm not at all sure what I need to power a vacuum cleaner.

This one has a "140w power inverter" so what happens if I plug in a vacuum cleaner? Even the lowest power vacuum cleaners are around 1000w.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Really? You have a 140 watt inverter and your question is whether it will run a 1,000 watt vacuum? You've already answered your own question.

    As for laptops, most don't need more than 90 watts to charge. So a 140 watt inverter will work just fine.

  • 7 years ago

    If you overload it the fuse will blow and using a thousand watts on a 140 watt inverter will do that.

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