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Is there somting like an offline version of Slideshare?

What I really want is some kind of slideshow maker that automatically pauses, I'd also like to be able to remove forward and rewind buttons. I've been tinkering around with Camtasia but bizarrely it is incapable of disabling the functions of it's own player or allowing "hotspots" (clicky links like you see on YouTube) to work offline; the only way they will work is if you host the project online, and even then there are no guarantees it won't fail with browsers like Chrome. I'm glad I didn't buy it, Camtasia is very expensive.

I remember software like this from 15 years ago so why is it so difficult now?

2 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    Something like power point can do this - you can add time for each slide to show for, add clickable links, and slides that only move on when you click

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hey there,

    Here I got Camtasia for free

    It's a very simple and nice software.

    Good Bye

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