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Can I create a simple "hidden object" game using PowerPoint?

I've been playing around with Powerpoint and there are some pretty cool features hidden in there, one of which is a "trigger" option which allows you to run animated text after a button is pressed. I can make the trigger buttons transparent but I can't figure out how to allow a slideshow to continue on to the next picture after the trigger button has been pressed - unless I tick the "advance slide on mouse click" option in Transitions, but that kind of defeats the purpose.


note: this is the guide I was following:

Update 2:

more details.. basically what I'm doing is an "escape the room" format. I found a useful guide but it seems a bit unwieldy:'Escape-the-Room'...

If I am understanding it correctly I would have to create a folder of images and hyperlink them but how come I can't have all the content contained in a Power Point Show?

Update 3:

oh wait a sec... I might have cracked it. "PLACE IN THIS DOCUMENT"...

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