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Are police officers in the UK allowed to lie when they stop people?

In the USA the police are legally allowed to lie and deceive anyone they detain, but I'm wondering what the situation is here in the UK. I don't really know what they are allowed to get away with. As far as I know they cannot tell outright lies during an "interview" because it would likely damage the prosecution, but what about during routine stops?

There's an interesting example here where the police officer tells the guy in the car that he HAS to get out of the car but the guy in the car responds that he is NOT legally obliged to do so:

1 Answer

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The guy in the car is obviously trying it on and has a problem with the police, why else would he keep saying the same thing over and over again, his vehicle details would be taken and if his car excise licence was out of date then the police can inform the DVLA would will come to his house and clamp the car..

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