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jon h
Lv 6
jon h asked in Arts & HumanitiesDancing · 7 years ago

I am a man: Do I have to wear a leotard & tights?

Do I have to wear a leotard & tights

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    By law, yes.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yup .These day's Leotards tights Ballet Slippers Makeup Hairspray are all considered normal for the Well Dressed Man.To prove My point dress up in Your favorite Leotards and Makeup and walk into any popular Bar this weekend and You will hear gasps of envy from all the other Men.

  • 7 years ago

    NO...even if you were taking ballet, well you would wear a white t shirt and black tights, no leotard. If it's any other style of dance no tights or leotard.

  • J
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Are you dressing up for a Ren Fair? The only other excuses would be Halloween, performing in dance (like ballet), or imitating a super hero. If 'superheroes' are considered 'masculine', then by all means wear that crazy leotard! Bazinga! :P

  • 7 years ago

    Depends for what purpose.

    Nowadays leotards are not very common but thea are very practical and comfy for a couple of sports.

    Normally leotards are for ladies, but if you like (and having a little self confidence to wear what is good)

    you can wear them too.

    I am wearing leotards for watersports, ftness, running and biking.

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