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What is the movie about marketing person who can't get a job?

Where a guy's marketing career crashes because he disrecommended Will Smith. The guy can't even get interviews, until finally someone calls him in, but he finds that the people just want to meet the legend that committed the worst marketing blunder ever. The main character encounters the real Will Smith in a brief scene. What is the movie?

3 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Jersey Girl with Ben Affleck

  • The movie is called "The Pursuit of Happiness". From around 2006.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Entertainment jobs require that movie theater staff be friendly, ... for people who are flexible, self-motivated and have a strong work ethic. .... the person who wrote this article knows anything about the job market of ... I know the website was specifically for people like me who don't/can't get a job. Also ...

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