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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationOther - Games & Recreation · 1 year ago

What were you most excited to have bought from a store in your lifetime?

They day I finally bought a Nintendo 64, in a bundle purchase with the two games I wanted to play on it, Super Mario World and Goldeneye, I spent a lot of money that day but it was epic awesomeness!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Three things. Pokémon ruby, Pokémon diamond and my first gun.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    The Xbox 360 Elite baby. And Halo 3 with Modern Warfare 2. Those were the golden days. Sure the Ps2 had it's moments but oh man, the moment I first played Last Resort on my friends Xbox 360, I knew what I wanted. Hence I secretly worked odd jobs for people after school, I stashed and Hid my money in various places like my guitar, in a ziploc high in the trees, a clay pot that dried. Because I knew my step parents would sneak around my stuff trying to find stuff. And when it was time my little bro and I went to Best Buy, when Xbox was at it's peak. I'll never forget walking into those doors, walking down that aisle, and grabbing one of the many boxes that contained my pride n joy. Ooh the sensation I had purchasing and walking out with it, two awesome games in tow, it was Magnificent. Damn you best believe those were one of the pinnacles in my life, going to friends houses, staying up all night system linking and playing on Xbox live with a ridiculous amount of junk food. Meeting new and different people across the world, talking smack and having a freakin' blast. Sure I had some dark crap going on at home with the parents (Who doesn't). But were it not for the wonders of my now old and retired Xbox 360 Elite, surely I would've wandered down a path I would to this day probably would be regretting. Ah the little things that can make a large change in one's life. Fast forward years later and here I am hitting that same nostalgia with my son. 

  • 1 year ago

    Three things. Pokémon ruby, Pokémon diamond and my first gun.

  • 1 year ago

    This is going to sound so pathetic, but when I was finally able to take the time to go to college, I went to a Staples store, and just went crazy. I love my parents dearly, but in high school, I always had to have the stuff that was cheap, to save money. When I went to college, I was paying my way, and I had a field day buying all the cool stuff. I bought stuff that I never even used, and you know what? NO REGRETS!!!

  • 1 year ago

    rhcp californication cd. the day that dropped i got up early for that one.

  • 1 year ago

    one of those early gaming memories when i bought GTA2, Carmageddon 2 and Driver from proper store.

    All 3 very good installments in respective series but i liked GTA 2 more than most.

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