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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationOther - Games & Recreation · 1 year ago

Why do people enjoy going to the beach?

7 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    1 year ago
    Favourite answer

    Some people find it relaxing, 

    They enjoy the sound of the waves. Walking along the water line. Swimming

    They like baking in the sun. 

    Plenty of games are fun to do on the beach.

    Personally not my thing. I burn easily. Get heat stoke fast. And ocean water is just icky.

    A night time stroll along the waves is nice. 

  • 11 months ago

    Because, Beach make a pleasant feel to enjoy the chill climate with our loved one, so beach is very important place to enjoy.

  • 12 months ago

    At the beach, there are two wolves. One is good. One is Sharkira's hit single Hips Don't Lie. You eat them both. Then? Sand, but you LIKE it. You filthy animal, you. mmmmmmmmmmmmm hips. also crabs, sexy sexy sexy c r a b s

    Attachment image
    Source(s): medical school
  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    It's an ancient thing humans use to enjoy playing ball on the beach eating ice cream having a swim in the sea getting rescued , they used to like watching games like football even payed would you believe it loung in a bar laughing and drinking beer right next to each other , shopping undisguised no batmen and women then and laughing yeah I just about remember that yeah the good old days 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    They find it amazing that the water comes right up to the shoreline.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Only there children like playin with sand and making castle's so sad

  • 1 year ago

    They like sunlight, I hate it. I hate the nature. Indeed. 

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