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? asked in Games & RecreationCard Games · 11 months ago

Which hand is the winner?

I never played a game of poker in my life and am stuck I guess this is “high card” idk. Please look at this pic and tell me which hand beats the dealers hand. The dealers hand is outlined in red above.

Attachment image

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Pair of deuces never loses!

  • 4 months ago

    3336J Hand. Play poker online

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    Triple three has to be the winner.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Pair of deuces never loses!

  • 10 months ago

    On this scratch card, the evaluations are as such...

    * Dealer: 1 Pair, 4's

    * Hand 1: High Card, K

    * Hand 2: High Card, A

    * Hand 3: High Card, K

    * Hand 4: High Card, K

    * Hand 5: 3-of-a-Kind, 3's

    * Hand 6: High Card, K

    As a result, the best hands (in order) are...

    * Hand 5: 3-of-a-Kind, 3's

    --- DEALER: 1 Pair, 4's ---

    * Hand 2: High Card, Ace

    * Hand 3: High Card, King w/ Queen Kicker

    * Hand 1: High Card, King w/ Jack Kicker

    * Hand 4: High Card, King w/ 9 Kicker

    * Hand 6: High Card, King w/ 8 Kicker

    Since it's safe to assume that you MUST beat the dealer...  Hand 5 is the only winning hand on the card & you would win whatever prize is associated with that hand.

  • Michze
    Lv 5
    11 months ago

    The Dealer has One Pair. Hand 5 has Three of a Kind. 

    Hand 5 has the winning hand.

  • GF
    Lv 6
    11 months ago


    Is the winner with 3 of a kind 

  • 11 months ago

    Hand 5 would be the only winning hand, as it has a 3 of a kind.  The dealer has a 2 of a kind, so only hand 5 would win.

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